Walking in Step with the Spirit

In high school, I participated in marching band. One of the key components to marching rests in the necessity for each member to stay in step with one another. When an individual finds themselves out of step with the band, the entire show suffers. In a similar way, God calls believers to walk in step with the Spirit. When one becomes out of step, his or her life falls outside of the desires of the Lord for one’s life and as a result struggling ensues.

The Apostle Paul spoke to this issue in Galatians 5:16-26. In this passage, the Apostle Paul wrote in verses 16-18, “But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

Walking in step with the Spirit starts by committing themselves to walking with the Spirit. This lifestyle indicates that one battles the temptation to walk ahead of the Spirit. Often, confidence, pride, and impatience lead people to step in front of the Spirit. When one finds themselves in front of the Spirit, he or she will experience major misdirection in life. The pitfalls occur because of the nonexistence of guidance needed in life.

At the same time, the Apostle Paul called believers to not walk behind the Spirit. Walking behind the Spirit may not seem that bad, but such a lifestyle indicates a faith that is shaky. It is the desire to make sure that the direction of leading is certain and correct before making the needed step. Such an approach to life could be characterized by delay and uncertainty. The skeptical approach seeks to follow the leading of the Lord with a great sense of caution.

The counter to these two ways of walking with the Spirit is to walk in step with the Spirit. Walking in step with the Spirit means that the believer is readily walking where the Lord leads as He leads. It means that their reliance and faith in the Lord is complete without doubt. The image of walking with the Spirit is like the child who grasps the hand of a parent and trusts them to lead them to the next destination.

The reality is that a spiritual struggle occurs when attempting to walk with the Spirit. The struggle begins with the flesh seeking gratification. The flesh attempts to fool men and women to believing that the longing that exists in life finds fulfillment in the ways of the world. The flesh seeks the instant momentary fulfillments that flow from impulse and leave one empty.

The other side of the struggle is following the ways of the Spirit which lead to being gratified. The gratification that results from following the Spirit is a lasting fulfillment. It endures and does not fade away and gives the believer joy. This is in opposition to the ways of the world and part of the battle to walking with the Spirit. Thus a constant spiritual tug-a-war takes place.

To walk with the Spirit begins by putting the flesh to death. This means that the self and the desires of the flesh must be put to death. Putting the flesh to death means that the old self is pushed away and the new self that comes from a relationship with Christ is nurtured. Putting the old self to death comes when the flesh is crucified.

Putting the old self to death cannot be accomplished by the good things you do or say. It cannot be put to death by the intentions or ways of your life. The old self can only be crucified because Christ was crucified. The old self can only be replaced by the new self by entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

So how are you living? Are you walking in the flesh or in the Spirit? Are you walking with the Spirit or are you in front or behind the Spirit? Today is a great day to pursue walking with the Spirit.


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