Beauty In Restoration

Daily Old Testament Reading: Genesis 30-33

Daily Focus Passage: Genesis 33

Division and separation occur because of the fallen nature that plagues humanity. People become at odds when viewpoints differ and when the pride of various individuals collides. In the Book of Genesis, we discover that Jacob stole his brother Esau’s birthright and blessing. These acts forged a divide between the two brothers to the level that Jacob fled for his life. As the story unfolds, Jacob is now married to Leah and Rachel. He hears from the Lord to return to his homeland, and he has obeyed. As Jacob nears his homeland, he fears retaliation from his brother and thus makes preparations to face him. Yet, we find that Esau welcomes him with open arms and seeks reconciliation, not retribution. This beautiful story of reconciliation teaches us valuable truth to remember.


The existence of division cannot be avoided. The cause of division rest in the sinful nature of humanity and the presence of selfishness and pride in people’s lives. When we act out of these sinful natures, we carry out acts that hurt and harm others. As a result, division and separation become a reality, and people struggle to trust others, support others, and be unified with others.

As followers of Christ, we must recognize the cause of division and seek to confront separation with the truth. Since division is a product of sin, we must realize that separation is not the desire of the Lord because he created us in harmony and relationships. Thus, we must recognize that these moments of division exist but that these times are not the desire of the Lord. Therefore, we must not be surprised by separation but must seek to confront it. 


When tensions rise, and unity becomes attacked, a sense of unsettledness settles in. Unsettledness becomes driven by the unknown and the what-ifs. As a result, people are left to deal with the issue, causing anxiety and worry, flee the situation, or fight for victory. Esau is prepared to fight in this occurrence, while Jacob decides to flee. Only over time will the two confront the issue for a resolution.

We become unsettled because of the unknown outcomes that exist. Jacob concerned himself with the possibility of death or the destruction of those he loved. We do not know that Jacob felt that all would be okay even though the Lord had given him a promise of blessing. As believers, we may find ourselves fighting these unknowns and becoming unsettled and worried. We must seek to lean into the Lord and trust that he can mend the brokenness.


Esau engages Jacob and offers beautiful reconciliation. The moment of reconciliation teaches us that restoration comes when we overcome the past and the issues that existed in the past. When we ponder and allow the past to grip us, we become bitter and unable to move forward under the leadership of the Lord. We must get to the place of forgetting the past and striving for what lies ahead.

As two that are separated reunite, we must see the blessing in the reunion. The blessing occurs as that which is broken become restored. The moment of restoration brings a common ground where the two being brought back together can find harmony and unity. It is the place of recognizing the work of the Lord in healing the relationship. Thus, reconciliation is an act that reveals the power, work, and presence of the Lord.

As you consider your life, where do division and separation exists? Are you living plagued by the past and unable to move into the future? Do you need to abandon the desire for retribution and seek to participate in reconciliation? Esau had the right to retaliate against Jacob. Yet, Esau found the ability to reconcile by moving past the past and moving into the future.


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