Prepare to Worship

Daily Old Testament Reading: Genesis 34-36

Daily Focus Passage: Genesis 35:2-3

In Genesis 35, we engage Jacob's return to Bethel. The return centered on a desire to engage the Lord in worship and remember when Jacob met with the Lord. The opening of this chapter includes Jacob's preparation for the worship of himself and his family. Jacob commands them to rid of the idols in their possession, purify themselves, and change their clothing. These marks of preparation must challenge us today as we consider how we prepare for worship.


Jacob's command to rid themselves of idols meant that the family must remove any hindrance or object that keeps them from worshipping and following the Lord alone. In Jacob's case, he spoke directly to possible physical idols that had been gathered over time through various events. Today, these idols may not be physical but may consist of people, places, activities, or things.

The ability to rid ourselves of idols begins with identifying the idols that capture our attention and loyalty. The ability to identify these idols comes when we evaluate our time, treasure, and thoughts honestly. Where we spend our time, what we consider treasure, how we use our talent and treasure, and what controls our mind reveal what idols exist. The introspection leads to identifying what blocks us from authentic worship of the Lord.

Identifying idols must propel us to remove them and prepare for worship. The removal of idols may seem painful because of the foothold they have gained in life. However, the truth is that without the idols' removal, genuine worship does not occur. When we get rid of idols, we cast them off and destroy them, so they do not return. What idols can you identify that need to be rid of to worship and serve the Lord? 


Jacob directs the family to rid of their idols and then purify themselves. The command of purification rest in the reality that idolatry stains people and separates them from the Lord. At the same time, idolatry exemplifies the other sins that stain people before the Lord. Therefore, these stains must be dealt with by seeking purification and renewal.

We must hear the same directive and seek forgiveness through repentance. When we seek forgiveness, we must commit to purity and the renewal of the mind and heart. This renewal reveals our need to remove the fleshly desires, intentions, and ways of the flesh and to seek the Lord. When we purify ourselves, we seek forgiveness and desire to live for the Lord because He is pure. What sin stains your life today? How will you pursue purity? 


In an unusual directive, Jacob commands the family to change their clothing. The act of changing clothing marks the respect for the holiness of God and the desire to demonstrate the new life from purity. The scribes in the Old Testament would change clothing when they prepared to pen the name Yahweh because of the holiness, reverence, and respect for the name of the Lord. Thus, Jacob demonstrates this by asking the people to change their clothes to worship the Lord because of Yahweh's holiness.

The changing of clothes today does not necessarily mean literal clothing. Instead, we must change the clothing of our hearts when we become followers of Christ. We put on new garments that exist as the righteousness of Christ. The new clothing carries the mark of Christ and reveals our relationship with him. Thus, when we worship as a follower of Christ, we come with the new garments of Christ's righteousness, not the old garments of the flesh. Are you living in the garments of the flesh? Repent, believe, and call on the name of Jesus, change the garments of life, put on the garments of Christ's righteousness, and worship him authentically today.


The Lord Is With


Beauty In Restoration