The Lord Is With

Daily Old Testament Reading: Genesis 37-40

Daily Focus Passage: Genesis 39

The latter part of Genesis focuses on the life of Joseph. Joseph was the favored son of Jacob. Genesis informs us that he had dreams that declared that his family would eventually bow before him. The combination of Jacob's love for Joseph and the dreams caused bitterness toward him in the hearts of his brothers. This disdain for Joseph led the brothers to sell him into slavery and inform Jacob that his son had been killed. As Joseph's life unfolds in Egypt, we find that he becomes a servant in the house of Potiphar. Joseph rises in authority in the household because of the blessing of the Lord. Unfortunately, Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph's integrity, and ultimately Joseph landed in prison. Every moment of this encounter, we hear that the Lord was with Joseph. This statement reveals an important truth: the Lord is with his children.


The work of the Lord does not always make sense in the expectations or lives of people. This truth exists because the Lord works for his purpose and glory in and through the life of his children. When we look at Joseph's life, we see a man mistreated because he receives a punishment he does not deserve. Yet, these events come together to form the purpose and plan of the Lord to carry out his will in the life of Joseph and, ultimately, the life of the Jewish people.

We must trust as the Lord works in our lives as well. We may not understand all the dynamics at play or why events occur, but we can rest in the truth that the Lord is at work to bring about his will and work. We rest that no matter what we face, we have the opportunity to glorify the Lord and praise him. This response occurs when we trust in the work of the Lord and understand that he is doing something more significant than we fully understand. When you evaluate your life, do you hold on to the truth that we can trust the work of the Lord even when we do not understand? 


Joseph faced many trials, temptations, and struggles throughout his life. In Potiphar's house, Potiphar's wife attempted to seduce him, and then when he rejected her, she lied about his integrity. As a result, Joseph faced imprisonment and had to endure the pain of that moment. Yet Joseph reveals a life of one resting in the strength of God to overcome the temptations thrown at him and to live in integrity and righteousness.

We must look at the example of Joseph and recognize that the Lord provides the needed strength to overcome the temptations that come against us. Temptations prey upon the desires of the flesh and seek to cause us to fall into disobedience before the Lord. The truth is that the Lord provides the needed strength for us to overcome these temptations and live with integrity against the ways of the world. So, if you face temptation today, will you commit to lean into the Lord and trust him to provide the strength to overcome? 


Joseph never doubted the presence of the Lord. He did not believe the Lord had abandoned or neglected to be with him. Instead, Joseph held that the Lord was with him in the good moments of life and the bad moments. His understanding revealed a developed understanding of the Lord's presence throughout every moment of life. Joseph faced various challenges because of the fallen nature of humanity, yet no matter what he faced, he lived knowing God was with him.

Just like Yahweh remained with Joseph throughout life, so does he remain present with us. He does not abandon us or forsake us. Instead, he is with us through every moment and seeks to provide us with the needed resources to rest in him. This does not mean that life becomes easy, but this trust does mean that we are not alone. The presence of the Lord provides us with the promise to experience his greatness in every moment of life. Are you living in the truth that God is with you?


Not Your Glory


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