Not Your Glory

Daily Old Testament Reading: Genesis 41-43

Daily Focus Passage: Genesis 41

Pharoah experienced dreams concerning the next 14 years in the land of Egypt. The dreams confused Pharoah, and he sought someone to interpret them. The cupbearer remembers how Joseph had interpreted his dream in prison and informed the Pharoah of Joseph. In response, Pharoah retrieved Joseph from prison and allowed him to interpret the dreams. Through this process, Joseph rejected any glory directed his way and pointed all glory to the Lord. Joseph lived in the truth that we must seek to bring all glory to the Lord and that our activities in life are not meant to bring us glory.


Pharoah sought to glorify Joseph because of the interpretations. He spoke praise toward Joseph and wanted to credit him for the task he performed. No matter the desire of Pharoah, Joseph did not seek to accept the glory of humanity because he held that all glory belonged to the Lord. Joseph demonstrated a proper response and heart by desiring the Lord alone to receive all the glory.  

Joseph maintained his ability to remain the instrument of the Lord because he practiced humility and did not allow the praise of humanity to give him a false sense of worth and praise. Joseph knew nothing within humanity was worth glory because the Lord deserved praise. Thus, Joseph continued making a major impact as a servant of the Lord because of this proper perspective.  

Believers today need to follow the model of Joseph. Our desire must be not to accept any praise that the Lord deserves. We must learn to reveal and point to the Lord every time people attempt to glorify us instead of the Lord. We must seek to remain humble and stay as a good useful instrument before the Lord. How are you pointing to God's glory? 


Joseph deflected the glory extended to him by announcing the greatness and work of the Lord. The ability to speak the greatness of the Lord announces his glory, greatness, and worth. Joseph stated that interpreting the dreams did not occur through his ability but happened because of the Lord alone. Thus, the glory being extended must be for God alone. Joseph models how to battle against the desire of the flesh to receive praise and elevate the self.

Today, we often desire to hear the words "well done." We seek recognition when we serve the local body and often want affirmation for using our talents in the local setting. However, when we follow the model by Joseph, we must never seek glorification for the self but instead must seek to practice obedience and servanthood that brings the Lord praise. Thus, we must remember that all we do is not for our glory but for the glory of the Lord. Are you seeking the glory of humanity or desiring to bring glory to the Lord alone? 


The flesh tends to become driven by pride. Pride seeks to elevate the self and begins to lead a person to think more highly of the self than they should. As a follower of Christ, we must pursue humility. Humility means we think about the self properly in light of the greatness and glory of the Lord. Humility occurs when we think more highly of others than ourselves and seek to allow Christ to illuminate every moment of our lives. Thus, we live with the mindset of decreasing and becoming less known so that Christ becomes more noticeable.

When we live to increase Christ, we seek to live in a manner that illuminates Christ in every component of life. We desire to grow more intimately with the Lord and allow his presence to dominate our lives more and more. We must strive to have people see Christ and not us as we navigate and live this life. This desire occurs when we make the decision and commit to living a life that constantly decreases as the Lord increases in us. When you evaluate your life, are you seeking to decrease so that the Lord may increase?


When God’s Plans Become Known


The Lord Is With