Called and Equipped

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 49-52

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 49

The Lord created you to work for his kingdom. God uniquely and precisely created you with a purpose. He gave you an identity and a role to carry out in the Body of Christ. In Isaiah 49, the prophet spoke of God's creative nature when he declared that the Lord formed him in the womb for the task of prophecy. When we consider Isaiah 49, we must seek to understand the purpose and mission God created us to carry out.


The Lord does not make a mistake when he creates. He designs each individual with care and precision. He does not create us by a random selection or by accident. He is intentional. He is purposeful. The Lord has uniquely created you and me. He gives us passions and skills that must be used to carry out his work. Each of us has been designed with a particular purpose from the Lord. The Psalmist declared that we are wonderfully and fearfully made. This declaration and Isaiah 49 reveal that we are people created with special precision for a certain task.  


The Lord created us with a purpose and equipped us to carry out the task. The Lord equips us with the message of the gospel. We must take this message to the people in need of the Savior and introduce them to Jesus through the message of the Good News. The Lord provides us with the message of hope and salvation. The Lord tells us to introduce the nations to him, and he gives us the singular message of the gospel to proclaim.  

Likewise, the Lord equips us with a mission. He provides the gospel's message and a mission to the nations. We must take the message and reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The mission demands that we serve the Lord entirely and take the calling to the mission seriously. The Lord provided us with a message and a mission to carry out the ministry of the Lord's kingdom.  


Isaiah recognized that he needed to carry out the task the Lord had designed him for by carrying the message of Good News to the people. The prophet's faithfulness reveals the need of the believer to step into the work of God's kingdom to impact the lives of people in need of redemption. We must recognize that fulfilling the task of the Lord offers the gift of eternal life. Thus, the work carries with it an eternal significance.

When you consider your life, how have you been created? What task is the Lord calling you to, and what has he created you for? The Lord has made you with a purpose and has equipped you to carry out that purpose in the ministry of God's kingdom. May you understand that you are called and equipped for ministry work.


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