The Promised Plan

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 53-55

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 53

Jesus came to carry out the work of redemption. The death on the cross and the resurrection did not come as a surprise; instead, the Lord used prophets to declare the coming Messiah's reality. In Isaiah 53, the prophet says how the coming servant of the Lord would face rejection, bear our sins, willfully die, and carry out the will of the Father. When we recognize Jesus fulfilled the Father's plan and prophecy, we must recognize the absolute truthfulness of the gospel.  


The prophet declared that the coming servant of the Lord would face rejection of the people. When we consider Jesus, we note that the masses who once followed him and cheered for him turned their backs on him right before the resurrection. They did not believe he fulfilled the expectations of the Savior they wanted, and thus, they turned their backs on him. The masses rejected him, but his close followers also rejected him. The rejection of Jesus fulfilled the message of the prophet Isaiah concerning the coming rejection of the coming Messiah.


The prophet Isaiah noted that the servant would bear our sin even though he would be completely innocent. The Bible tells us that Jesus bore the sin of humanity. The bearing of sin notes that he took on the coming debt of punishment that sin required. Jesus did not deserve the punishment but took it on because of his great love for us. God's servant took our sin, placed it upon himself, and took the penalty we deserved.  


Isaiah proclaimed that the servant would willfully die. Jesus took the initiative and laid on the cross. He was not forced to remain on the cross but chose to stay there and face physical death. The willful death took on the penalty and fulfilled the debt demanded by sin. Since he bore our sins, he took on our debt and paid. Isaiah foretold this willful death and pointed to the amazing work of Christ for redemption.  


Isaiah's proclamation came from the Lord. The work of Jesus fulfilled the words of the prophet and declared the fulfillment of the will of the Father. The Father created an avenue for humanity to receive redemption and used his Son to pay the needed price. The Father welcomes all who respond to the invitation of redemption through faith to receive the gift from the work of his Son.  

The prophet Isaiah declared the truth of the coming Messiah. He spoke of the price Jesus would pay for the penalty we deserved. This prophecy reveals the truthfulness of Jesus as the Messiah and provides evidence of the reality of Jesus and the resurrection. Thus, we must see the fulfillment of the promised plan offered us hope amid our hopelessness.


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