A Painful Celebration

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 2, 15, 22, 23

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 22

Psalm 22 is a well-known Psalm. Most people link this Psalm to the crucifixion of Christ because Jesus began quoting it. As part of the final words from the cross, Jesus declared, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” This statement must rest in our minds as we engage this Psalm. This Psalm teaches us about seeking the Lord authentically despite pain and suffering.


The open verses of this Psalm point the reader to the openness that must exist in prayer. This openness demonstrates a true link to the Lord. The repeated phrase, “My God, My God,” points to the personal nature of the conversation. The link between the believer and the Lord is established as personal and one filled with personal communication.

 Open communication means that authentic prayer occurs as one share openly and honestly with the Lord. The believer must approach the Lord with honesty about their feelings. Our feelings are part of who we are; the Lord already knows them. Thus, we must express them to the Lord and not withhold our emotions from him. At the same time, an openness of prayer honestly shares one’s thoughts and struggles with the situations going on in life. Thus, we must develop an authentic prayer life with the Lord that rests in our link to the Lord and occurs in openness and honesty.


The Psalmist recognizes that the Patriarchs and the generations before him exemplified a life of open communication and faith with the Lord. Thus, the Psalmist challenges us to investigate the life of those who have gone before us and to see how they walked in faith and complete trust in the Lord. In addition, they must note how the fathers practiced their personal belief in the Lord and how they experienced the faithfulness of the Lord.

 This investigation of the example of the fathers must drive us to strive to exemplify life in Christ for others. We must seek to live out our faith in a manner that teaches the next generation about living authentically in Christ. When we live in this manner, we become witnesses to the next generation and declare the greatness of God through our lives. Thus, we must set an example to impact those behind us.


The Psalmist knew that a proper response to the Lord occurred in authentic praise. Praise happens when we declare the greatness of the Lord and his works. Praise exalts the Lord and gives him the glory he alone deserves. At the same time, we approach the Lord in reverence and awe because of a proper fear of who he is. We understand his holiness and our wretchedness. At the same time, the Psalmist praised the Lord for what is still to come.

We must strive to respond to the Lord in authentic prayer and praise. We must seek to live in obedience and faith before the Lord and to make his name known. We must strive to live out our faith so that others see the goodness of the Lord. As we consider our lives, do we seek the Lord authentically? Do we approach him openly? Do we praise him genuinely?




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