The Character of Righteousness

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 112-114

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 112

The character of an individual reveals the control of their heart. The individual consumed by the flesh lives out the character of the flesh. The individuals in a relationship with Christ strive to become more like Christ and live out the character of righteousness. In Psalm 112, the Psalmist provides seven truths about the character of the person living in righteousness. Though we still battle to live out these characteristics and have not yet perfected them, they exist as marks we must strive for.


The character of the righteous begins with a proper fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord occurs when we hold proper awe, respect, and reverence for the Lord. This fear arises when we recognize the Lord's greatness, holiness, and glory and our unholy condition. When we hold a proper fear of the Lord, we delight and find joy in serving the Lord through the obeying of his commands and seeking to follow His Word.  


The character of the righteous leads to the steadfast faith of obedience to the Lord. This steadfast nature indicates that we remain faithful to the Lord no matter our pressures and temptations. The Psalmist said that the genuine believer's "righteousness endures forever." Thus we must seek to live out our faith in every dynamic in life.  


The Psalmist understood that we live in the presence of darkness because of the existence of sin. Yet, the Psalmist noted that light exists even in the darkness. The concept portrayed rest in the understanding that we must find hope even when darkness overshadows us. When we live in righteousness, we find this light because our hope does not rest on dynamics or situations, but instead we seek to trust in the light of this world, Jesus. Thus, we find hope amid the darkness.  


The Psalmist declared that the righteous seek to live in righteousness before the Lord, but they also seek to live in righteousness with others. He spoke of the need to live in graciousness, compassion, and righteousness when dealing with others. When we follow Christ, we must take on the heart of unity and engage others under the influence of grace, the motive of compassion, and the act of righteousness. Our vertical relationship with the Lord must motivate and control our horizontal relationship with others.  


The Psalmist knew the importance of living with a steady heart that constructs life on the foundation of the Lord. He knew that the only healthy life comes from a life constructed by the Lord. Thus, we must understand that the security we need when facing the struggles and temptations of this world does not happen through foundations or lives we build, but they only occur in the life constructed by the Lord on the foundation of Christ. If you desire a steady heart, then the Lord alone must be the designer and builder of your life.  


The Psalmist reminds his audience of the Lord's promise of endurance and eternal victory. This reminder challenges us to recognize that the eternal victory needed for life does not happen through our work but is available because of the work of Christ alone. The certainty of eternal victory means that no one can destroy what the Lord has built and that we can trust in the fulfillment of this promise because of the promise-keeping nature of the Lord.  


The Psalmist concluded the Psalm with the recognition that those against the Lord will oppose those who follow the Lord. This recognition comes with the understanding that the needed righteousness to overcome these enemies is available in the Lord alone. When we live for the Lord, the world will not like what we stand for. They will oppose us and attempt to silence us. We know the Lord's presence and promises as we face these enemies.

Psalm 112 provides us with a great challenge to live in righteousness. We must strive to live in obedience and out the character of righteousness from the Lord. When you consider your life, do you live in the certainty of the Lord, or are you being tossed and turned because you depend on the wrong sources to develop your character?


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