Keys to Living Well

Daily Old Testament Reading: Joshua 23-24, Judges 1-2

Daily Focus Passage: Joshua 23:6-8

Joshua led the people through the conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of the Lord. Joshua experienced the faithfulness of the Lord and called the people to obey the Lord as he led them to inherit this promise. As the conquest concludes and the land becomes divided among the tribes of Israel, the time arrives for Joshua to become gathered with his forefathers. Before his death, Joshua takes a moment to share several keys to living well in the land with Israel. These fundamental traits for a living still exist today for the follower of Christ. Read the words of Joshua 23:6-8:

6 "Be very strong and continue obeying all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you do not turn from it to the right or left 7 and so that you do not associate with these nations remaining among you. Do not call on the names of their gods or make an oath to them; do not serve them or bow in worship to them. 8 Instead, be loyal to the Lord your God, as you have been to this day.


Joshua charged the people to “be very strong.” The people experienced strength from the Lord as they participated in the conquest of the land. Yet, the strength remained unfailing because the source was the Lord and not the strength of the flesh. Thus, Joshua charges the people to find their foundation and strength to stay faithful to the Lord. Joshua knew that the strength of humanity would fail but that the strength from the Lord would remain unfailing.  

The same charge extends to believers today. We receive the call to remain obedient to the leading and the tasks the Lord calls us to participate in. The needed strength for completing the task before us does not come from within us and our ability but rest entirely upon the Lord. We must strive to rest in and receive strength from the Lord to navigate our journey in the Lord.


Joshua commanded the people to obey “all that is written in the book of the law of Moses.” Joshua desired the people to recognize that the Word of God was not a collection of sayings that people could pick and choose from for living life. Instead, Joshua declared that “all” of the Word must be followed. He understood the need for the truth and to mind the fact. In essence, Joshua wanted the people to allow their lives to be transformed by the truth.

Today, we have the entire revelation from the Lord, including the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is God's authentic, infallible, inerrant Word for teaching, reproof, instruction, and training. We must not use the Bible as a resource to select from, but instead, we must approach the Word of God as a change agent for our lives and seek to allow the truth of God’s Word to transform our lives. We must strive to engage “all” of God’s Word, for “all” of the Word is needed in the believer's life.  


Joshua cautioned the people to “not associate with these nations remaining among you.” Joshua knew that the native’s traditions would serve as a temptation for the people of Israel. He warns against the people falling prey to the idolatry and pagan lifestyle of the nations that remained around the people. Thus, Joshua calls the people to remain victorious over the temptation that could form. This victory occurs when they rely on the strength of the Lord, obeyed the Word because it protects them from going to the left or the right of truth, and set up guardrails to not even engage the temptation.

Today, the world around us tempts believers to fall prey to the ideology and ways of the world. The world tempts believers to attempt to live for the self, adjust the truth of God’s Word to match their opinion and engage with those in the world without guardrails of protection spiritually. Thus, believers must seek to rest and rely upon the strength of the Lord and commit to living in obedience to the Word of God to claim victory over temptation and to live for the Lord in faithfulness.


Joshua called the people to “be loyal to the Lord your God.” Joshua knew the people must remain loyal to the Lord at all costs. Loyalty meant that they wholeheartedly, 100% remained faithful to the truth of the Lord and the person of the Lord. Loyalty told them they lived not as citizens of this world but instead, they lived as citizens of God’s kingdom. They sought to represent the Lord and serve as his faithful ambassador.

 Today, our loyalty must never become divided. A believer must be 100% committed to their citizenship in the Lord’s kingdom. We must guard against earthly allegiances causing a divided allegiance to the Lord and thus not truly following the Lord. The call to loyalty comes as a call to complete loyalty. This loyalty occurs because of the person of the Lord and the expectation of the Lord. Loyalty means that we are all in or all out with the Lord.

Living for the Lord is a constant, intentional effort. First, we must commit to trusting in the Lord’s strength to navigate this life and to have victory over the obstacles before us. We must trust in the Word of the Lord and obey it completely. Finally, we must remain loyal to the Lord no matter what, even if it costs us in this life. So which of these traits are you struggling with? Which traits do you need to seek the Lord to develop more?


Dangerous Compromise


Everything Was Fulfilled