Everything Was Fulfilled

Daily Old Testament Reading: Joshua 20-22

Daily Focus Passage: Joshua 21:43-45

We all need encouragement in our walk with the Lord. We all face difficult situations and dynamics that cause pain, struggle with doubt, and challenge our trust in the Lord. In Joshua 21, the people finish dividing and conquering the land the Lord promised them. As the act of dividing concludes, we read three closing verses of this chapter and find great encouragement to remember as we navigate this world. These verses remind us that God is a promise-keeper, that the Lord provides peace, that the Lord wins battles before us, and that the Lord fulfills his promises completely.

God, the Promise-Keeper

The Bible declares that the Lord "gave" the people of Israel the land "promised to their ancestors." The Lord promised Abraham and the Patriarchs that he would form a great nation that would be his people from them. After the time in Egypt, the time of the Exodus, and the time wandering the land, the people conquered and divided the land. The victory and occupancy fulfill the promise the Lord gave to their ancestors. This promise fulfillment reveals the Lord's nature as a Promise-Keeper. Thus, today, we must continue to hold onto the promises of the Lord. His promise-keeping nature has not and will not change. Therefore, we must lean into and trust the Lord to fulfill his promises.  

God, the Peace Giver

The Bible noted that the people inhabited the land and had rest on every side. The presence of rest indicates that the people dwelled in the land with peace that occurred because of the Lord. The Lord had given the people the land and victory over the people of the land. Thus, dwelling in the land began in a time of peace because the Lord secured the land for the people and gave them peace. So often, we follow the Lord into battle and struggle through various dynamics. The truth comes that the battles faced the end with peace. This peace for the believer may be momentary in this world or eternal in the presence of the Lord, but the peace comes from the Lord because he is the Peace-Giver.

God, the Victorious Warrior King

The Bible says, "None of their enemies were able to stand against them, for the Lord handed over all their enemies to them." The Lord went before the people and cleared the path for victory. The Lord provided the battle plans, the battle strength, and the battle victory. The people needed to follow the Lord and trust him. As they obeyed and trusted, the Lord revealed his nature as a Victorious Warrior King. He fulfilled the promise given previously to be "with them," "go before them," and "never abandon them." Thus, we must remember that we follow and serve the same Victorious Warrior King.

God, the Never-Failing God

The Bible states, "None of the good promises the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled." This declaration reveals the nature of the Lord, never to fail. In his nature and character, the Lord is the Never-Failing God. The promises he makes, he fulfills. The battles he fights, he wins. The Lord never fails because he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. He is holy and perfect; thus, he must fulfill his promises because he cannot go against himself. Therefore today, we must hold onto the trust that God never fails. He has never failed, he doesn't fail, and he will never fail.

The closing words of this chapter, "Everything was fulfilled," is a statement, a description, and a promise. These words declare the work of the Lord and his great blessing for his people. These words describe the character and nature of the Lord and remind us of his goodness. These words reveal how God blesses his own and is with them every step of their lives. May we find encouragement from the Lord in the words declared about his work with Israel, "Everything was fulfilled."


Keys to Living Well


Trusting God’s Goodness