Trusting God’s Goodness

Daily Old Testament Reading: Joshua 16-19

Daily Focus Passage: Joshua 19

As the people of Israel conquered the land, the time came for dividing the land into various portions for the tribes. Joshua took this responsibility seriously and knew that he could not separate the land without the leading and wisdom of the Lord. The Bible declares that the people followed the Lord’s command (19:50) and distributed in the Lord’s presence (19:51). Both statements reveal the necessity of trusting in the Lord's guidance.  


Joshua demonstrated the importance of trusting in the Lord to direct the path. Joshua did not seek to set the parameters for the division of the land but rested on the commands of the Lord for direction. This response of Joshua shows the importance of knowing the commands of the Lord and placing them into practice in life. The key to understanding the commands of the Lord occurs when we seek to know the commands of the Lord.

Today, we must seek to know the commands of the Lord. We pursue these commands in the Word of God and the dedicated prayer times, where we both speak and listen to the Lord. When we seek the commands of the Lord, we must approach with a heart of submission. We must surrender our desires and submit to the commands and leading of the Lord. Thus, we must commit to seek the commands of the Lord for direction in our lives.  


Joshua stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle to stand in the presence of the Lord while dividing the land. This placement demonstrates the importance of trusting in the presence of the Lord for guidance but also exemplifies how serving the Lord must occur as an act of worship. When Joshua stands in the presence of the Lord, he makes it clear that the Lord remains at the center of the blessing and that the Lord alone is responsible for it.

Today, the Lord is always with us. Therefore, when we seek to follow the Lord, we must seek with the understanding of his presence and use obedience as a form of worship. When we follow the ways and commands of the Lord, we stand in his presence in the act of worship because our obedience honors the Lord. Thus, when we seek to enter the blessing of the Lord and serve him faithfully, we must do so, standing in his presence and giving him the honor and glory he alone is worthy of.  


Joshua listened to the Lord, followed his commands, and stood in his presence because he trusted the goodness of God. He did not attempt to understand the ways of God because he knew that the ways of the Lord were good and, as a result, must be followed. Joshua did not become distracted by the voices of others or the goodness as defined by humanity. Instead, he trusted that the direction of the Lord brought forth God’s goodness to the people.

Today, we must strive to live, trusting in the goodness of God. We must battle against defining good in our lives based on the world's terminology. Instead, we must hold onto the direction of the Lord and trust it because of our faith in the Lord. We must seek to know that God’s goodness is good in our lives and is good because it brings glory to the Lord and expands the Kingdom of God. How are you resting in the goodness of God?


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