Living In The Promise

Daily Old Testament Reading: Joshua 12-15

Daily Focus Passage: Joshua 13

The people of Israel systematically conquered the promised land under the guidance and leadership of the Lord. As a leader, Joshua received the guarantee of victory when he followed the leading of the Lord in faithfulness. However, Joshua grew older as time passed, and portions of the promised land still needed conquering. In Joshua 13, the Lord acknowledged Joshua's aging and reaffirmed his promise. As a result, Joshua continued to lead by trusting in the promises of the Lord.


Joshua's age could form a hindrance in leading the people. People under his leadership may have questioned his ability to lead well because of his age. They may have thought that he was out of touch with the younger generation or that the people needed new ideas in leadership because the land still needed conquering. Yet, Joshua concerned himself with the promise of the Lord. He did not worry about the outside voices of the world or the expectations of when something must occur. Joshua rested in the promise of the Lord and, as a result, trust in the timing of the Lord.

Part of the believer's journey today includes the ability to trust in the promise of the Lord and to battle against wanting things to occur in our timing. When we live in the promises of the Lord, we live with a different perspective than the world. We guard against the temptation of being driven by the desire for instant gratification and rest in the fullness of the Lord and his promises.


Joshua's age meant that physically he could not carry out the task he formerly carried out. In addition, his physical strength was not that of a young man, so the task he once accomplished now seemed exhausting. In terms of the world, this lack of strength appears to be a limitation, but not for Joshua. Instead, Joshua demonstrated that he trusted the Lord to provide the needed strength and resources to accomplish the task before him.  

Far too often, we attempt to accomplish the calling of the Lord in our ability and strength. This approach to achieving the task of the Lord leads to struggle and failure. When God calls us to a task, the calling is bigger than us and our ability. Thus, the Lord calls us to his task that he alone equips us and strengthens us to accomplish. We must strive to live like Joshua, depending on the provision of the Lord.  


Joshua trusted in the Lord's presence throughout his life, even when the presence and leading of the Lord went against earthly logic. He knew that the presence of the Lord meant that he lived in the majority because when one is with God, they are in the majority. Thus, when Joshua received the affirmation of the conquering of the land, he received the promise with the faith that the presence of the Lord trumped all other logic.

Today, we must battle against letting the logic of this world blind us to following the Lord in faith. The Lord calls us to live as children who depend on his work and presence. As we walk in his presence, we focus on him alone and do not concern ourselves with the thoughts and mentalities of the world. As you consider your life, what worldly logic tempts you to forget the presence of the Lord?


Trusting God’s Goodness


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