The Sun Stood Still

Daily Old Testament Reading: Joshua 9-11

Daily Focus Passage: Joshua 10

Joshua depended upon the Lord to guide and direct the path to conquering the promised land. As a result, Joshua trusted the Lord to serve as the commander and chief of the people, lead them into battle, and provide for their victory. In Joshua 10, we find this approach to obedience played out again as Joshua leads the people under the guidance of the Lord against five kings coming against them. At this moment, we find the importance of trusting in the Lord for guidance, the promise of the Lord to provide, and the guarantee of victory.


The Lord told Joshua to proceed into battle without fear. This call came with the presence of the promise of provision and victory. For Joshua and the people of Israel to receive these guarantees, they needed to respond with the initial step of obedience by entering the battle. Human nature may cause hesitancy and uncertainty when the Lord calls us into battle, but we must remember that the calling comes with promises.  

The battles in front of us will be daunting in our ability and strength. God calls us to battles larger than ourselves because it forces us to rest and depend upon Him. His calling comes with the reminder not to be afraid of what lies ahead because he is there working. Previously, the Lord promised Joshua and the people that he would be with them, go before them, and never abandon them. Thus, like Joshua and the people, we must seek the guidance of the Lord to enter the battles he calls us to engage.


Joshua followed the leading of the Lord and led the people into battle against the five kings. As the battle continued, Joshua called to the Lord to allow the sun to stand still so that the people would have the needed daylight to defeat the opposition. The Lord heard the cry of Joshua and responded miraculously by causing the sun to stand still. This miraculous work revealed the desire of the Lord to provide his children with the needed strength and resources to claim victory.  

Today, the Lord continues to call us into battles. However, these callings come with the Lord's promise for his people. The Lord will never call you to a place where he will not provide the needed resources. This provision occurs because the Lord cares for his own and never fails to provide for his people. Thus, we rest in today's promise that the Lord provides for us as he calls us.  


Joshua knew the Lord would bring victory to the people because the Lord promised the people the land. This promise gave Joshua hope as he led the people into the battle. This hope did not center on wishful or hopeful thinking, but this hope existed as a certainty of what was ahead. This certainty did not occur because of Joshua's feelings but because Joshua knew the character of the Lord, and Joshua trusted in the promise-keeping nature of the Lord.

Today, we must understand and remember that our hope rest in the Lord. As a child of God, we have certainty of eternity with the Lord. This does not mean that we will never struggle or fail, but this promise means that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Thus, we approach life and the leading of the Lord with the certainty of eternal victory that stands before us.


Living In The Promise


Moments of Recommitment