Making Disobedience Sound Good

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 13-15

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 15

In 1 Samuel 15, King Saul claimed victory over the Amalekites. The Lord had commanded Saul to lead this battle and claim victory under the leadership of the Lord. The Lord commanded that Saul not spare any of the people or livestock of the Amalekites. As the battle waged and Israel claimed victory, Saul spared the life of King Agog and took the best of the livestock. Saul led the people only to destroy the items that seemed worthless in the eyes of humanity. Samuel confronted this act of disobedience as he voiced God’s displeasure. In response, Saul attempted to justify his actions. The moment causes us to ask if we ever partially obey the Lord and then attempt to justify our disobedience.


Saul told Samuel that he obeyed the leading of the Lord and that he fulfilled the mission given to him by the Lord. He stated that he brought back the king and the best of the livestock and destroyed the Amalekites. The statement alone contradicts itself. The Amalekites were not completely destroyed because the king and the livestock still existed. Saul attempts to justify the actions by stating that the plunder taken was gathered for a sacrifice before the Lord. Saul attempted to make his disobedience appear holy and righteous. When do we fall into the trap of Saul and attempt to make our sin appear righteous and holy? 


Samuel responded to Saul with the truth that the Lord desires obedience over sacrifice. The act of sacrifice was an act of worship in the old covenant. At the same time, sacrifice meant nothing if the heart was not in the proper state before sacrificing. In Saul’s case, his heart was not pure before the Lord, and the sacrifice was not authentic. He attempted to use religious rituals as an excuse and justification for his disobedience. He attempts to religion up his sin.

The Lord desires obedience over systematic worship because obedience exists as an authentic act of worship. We glorify the Lord when we hear his commands and obey them. Obedience demonstrates faith and trust in the Lord. It shows a servant's heart and recognizes the Lord as Master. Obedience is a constant act of worship. When you investigate life, do you attempt to justify your actions with systematic worship, or do you seek to live in obedience which is the true worship the Lord accepts? 


Samuel declared that the Lord equated Saul’s disobedience with rebellion, divination, idolatry, and wickedness. The failure to follow the commands and expectations of the Lord declared rejection of the Lord and his ways. The rejection of the Lord comes with a response of rejection from the Lord. Saul’s reign becomes destined to fail because he rejected the Lord. Today, when we fail to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we walk in a state of rejecting the Lord, and as a result, we face the eternal rejection of the Lord. The Lord reminds us that partial obedience is not obedience. We are either completely the Lord or not the Lord’s at all.


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