Living in Blessing or Curse

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 10-12

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 12

Samuel selected Saul to become king of Israel under the guidance of the Lord. As Saul became king, the need for Samuel’s leadership disappeared. As a result, the moment came for Samuel to give his final words and charge to the people of Israel. This charge included the necessity of living faithfully under the Lord even when living under earthly rulers. Today, the charge of Samuel helps us understand how to live for the Lord while dwelling under earthly rulers. His charge explains how the people's faithfulness directly correlates to the blessing and cursing of a nation.


A proper fear of the Lord respects the holiness, position, and person of the Lord. Samuel called for the people to approach the Lord reverently and stand in awe of his greatness. When people live in the proper fear of the Lord, they approach the Lord with the proper perspective of understanding his holiness and sinfulness. An appropriate fear of the Lord fuels obedience to the Lord because of authentic reverence for the Lord. Today, we must continue to live in the fear of the Lord. 


A proper fear of the Lord leads to authentic worship and a life of obedience following the leadership of the Lord. Genuine worship occurs when people respond to the greatness of the Lord out of the overflow of praise and adoration for the Lord. Worship may occur in a song or life. True worship is part of the rhythm of life and occurs most genuinely in a life of obedience. A life of obedience glorifies the Lord because it reflects complete trust and service to the Lord.


A rebel is an individual who intentionally goes against the leader or the statutes. A rebel seeks to live for the self and outside authority. As a result, a rebel becomes an enemy of the state. When one rebels against the Lord, one responds against the ways and will of the Lord. The key to the response of a rebel is that the individual knows the truth and chooses to walk away. Forms of rebellion may come verbally or in action. Such rebellions include idolatry that refuses to surrender to the authority and Lordship of God.


The Lord’s blessing or curse upon the land is directly linked to the faithfulness of his people and the people in the land. Samuel noted that the working of the Lord in the nation of Israel rested on the faithfulness or unfaithfulness of the people. If the people followed the ways and leading of the Lord, then the king and the people would receive blessings from the Lord. At the same time, if the people rebelled, they should not expect a blessing from the Lord but a curse. Likewise, today, we must not expect God to bless a people living in open rebellion. We must strive to be a people that follow the Lord in obedience.

When we consider the charge of Samuel, we must ask if we live in a manner that brings blessing to the land. Do we live in a way that obeys or rejects the commands of the Lord? Do we live with ultimate obedience to the Lord or seek to follow an earthly ruler? Are we living in a manner that brings blessings or curses?


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