Here I Raise My Ebenezer

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 6-9

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 7

In the hymn, Come Thou Fount, Robert Robinson penned these words, “Here I raise my Ebenezer, hither by thy help I come, and I hope thou good pleasure, safely to arrive at home, Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God, he to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.” Generations of believers have sung these words. Yet, many people could not describe or explain the significance of raising an Ebenezer. In 1 Samuel 7, we find the significance of raising an Ebenezer.


Before one can raise an Ebenezer, we must take steps to prepare our hearts and lives to mark this significant moment. The preparation flows from the presence of a longing for the Lord. The longing is a deep desire for the Lord that seeks to know him more and also fuels the mourning over sin that keeps us from the Lord. This longing prepares us for a moment of renewal.  

The first major step of preparation is a wholehearted return to the Lord. The Lord does not allow us to divide our loyalties. We are either on his team or against him. Thus, we must return completely when we return to the Lord from a state of waywardness. We must never withhold anything from the Lord but live a life of complete surrender and sacrifice.

The second step is the abandonment of idols. In 1 Samuel 7, the people had allowed the idols of the world around them to influence their lives and distract them. Thus, the people had to put their idols away. Likewise, when we discover idols separating us from the Lord, we must remove and dispose of them. To put them away means to rid of them for good.

The third step is dedicating our lives to the Lord. When we return to the Lord with our hearts, we must commit our lives to His leading, will, and ways. The Lord expects complete devotion, so we must establish the Lord as the number one priority in our lives. Thus, our commitment must come with great resolve and remain faithful.

The fourth step is process of turning to the Lord. A time of repentance and renewal marks a preparation to raise an Ebenezer. This process occurs when we acknowledge our sins and confess our allegiance to the Lord. Today, this confession recognizes Christ as the needed mediator between the Lord and us. Christ, as a mediator, brings us back into harmony with the Lord when we long for him appropriately, repent authentically, and commit entirely to him.


The Lord responds to authentic confession. In 1 Samuel 7, the Bible explains that the Lord answered the people's cries. The Lord responded to the cry because the people approached him with genuine repentance. We must constantly remember that the Lord hears the cries of His own and responds appropriately to the genuine cry and commitment of His children. At the same time, the Lord brought victory to the people. In 1 Samuel, this victory occurred over the people of Philistine. For us, this victory is over the enemy of death. Thus, authentic confession brings repentance and renewal that carries an eternal victory.  


When we raise an Ebenezer, we set a marker of remembrance. The stone does not carry any special power or ability; instead, it stands as a reminder of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. The stone signifies a memory of the Lord’s help. Our Ebenezer reminds us of God’s work as we seek to live for him. This marker brings encouragement as we live, reminded of God’s work in our lives.

At the same time, the stone signifies the victory gained by the Lord on our behalf. The Lord fought for the people and gained victory over the enemy. So likewise, in Christ, the Lord has defeated the great enemy of death and offered victory to those who would follow the Lord. The moment of salvation is an Ebenezer that reminds us of this victory claimed on our behalf by the Lord.

Likewise, the Ebenezer stone exists as a symbol of peace. The Lord brings peace to his people. The Bible defines this peace as one that passes all understanding. Genuine peace does not mean a lack of battle or struggle but instead means that we live in certainty because of the Lord. Thus, the stone of Ebenezer in our lives reminds us of the peace that comes only from a relationship with the Lord as we journey through this life.

So when we sing about raising an Ebenezer, we declare setting a memorial stone that recognizes the greatness of God and his work. What moments in your life serve as an Ebenezer? How are you constantly reminded of the presence and work of the Lord in your life?


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