Empty Words

Daily Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 5-7

Daily Focus Passage: Jeremiah 7

The prophet Jeremiah is known as the "weeping prophet." He wept over the condition of the people, and he cried over the situations he faced throughout his ministry of prophecy to the people. In Jeremiah 7, the prophet declared the message from the Lord concerning the empty words of the people. The people said faithfulness to the Lord with their lips but failed to obey the Lord. When we consider the words of the prophet, do we live in a manner that gives lip service to the Lord, or do we live a life that affirms the words of faithfulness?

Many people acknowledge Jesus with their lips but refuse to live a life that demonstrates and affirms a genuine relationship. The people of Israel declared the name of Yahweh and participated in sacrifices but lived in opposition to the Lord's ways and followed the world's idols. Today, people give lip service to the Lord when they say they believe in Jesus and live a lifestyle of the world.

Lip service consists of saying the right words. The people of Israel would give lip service to the Lord by declaring their faithfulness to him. Yet, their words were empty because they did not live according to their declaration. Today, people often claim to follow Christ and be Christian. They give the Lord lip service but do not live according to His will, ways, or Word. They attempt to lead everyone to believe they follow because of their rhetoric, but they live without a heart turned to Jesus.

Lip service often appears righteous. The use of words made the people appear righteous in their lives, but these words were backed by disobedience and living according to the flesh. People often use proper words to appear righteous before other people. This attempt to appear righteous is used to find the approval of others and to appear as if all is okay. Using words becomes the mechanism to appear righteous to others and convince the self that one is righteous.

Lip service becomes apparent when a person declares obedience to the Lord, but their actions identify with the world. When a genuine declaration is made concerning one's relationship with the Lord, the individual's life follows the truth of God's Word. The people allow their lives to confirm and support their declaration of faith. The exact proof occurs when one who declares faithfulness to the Lord demonstrates that the words have no meaning because their life does not support the declaration.

We must acknowledge Jesus with our lives and live a life that affirms our declaration. To declare faithfulness to the Lord and live in opposition to the Lord reveals a life of lip service and not faithfulness. The Lord demands obedience when we declare him as Lord. We cannot claim a relationship with Jesus and then love as the world. Do you walk through religious activities with lip service or live out faithfulness daily, affirming your declaration of faith in Christ?




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