Designed For A Purpose

Daily Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 1-4

Daily Focus Passage: Jeremiah 1

The prophet Jeremiah opened his book with the details concerning God's creation and calling on his life. When we consider that, he discussed how God formed him and created him in the womb to be the messenger to the People of Israel. We notice that we today carry the same truth: we have been created for a purpose that carries out the will of God as we serve as messengers for the Kingdom of God.


God created Jeremiah intentionally to be his messenger to the people. The creation was not random, and the creation was not by chance, but the Lord created Jeremiah precisely and intentionally. God created Jeremiah intentionally to be his messenger to the people. The creation was not random, and the creation was not by chance, but the Lord created Jeremiah precisely and intentionally; the Lord continues. The Lord continues to create intentionally today. He has strategically put you together for a particular task. He has created you with interest, gifts, and abilities to serve him to reach the people you engage. When you consider that you have been intentionally created, are you encouraged?


The Lord created Jeremiah for a specific task. He commissioned him to be the prophet to the people to deliver the message of the Lord. The Lord created Jeremiah with a Commission on his mind. In the same manner, the Lord creates us to be commissioned to the task of carrying out his will. He makes us serve his kingdom as ambassadors. We are to carry out the message of the Lord to the people so that they would hear the goodness and greatness of the Lord. When you consider your life, do you recognize that the Lord has commissioned you to serve him and his kingdom?


The Lord commanded the prophet Jeremiah directly. He directly called him to certain people with a certain task for a certain purpose. Jeremiah received a command from the Lord that carried with it a promise. The Lord promised to strengthen Jeremiah and to provide for Jeremiah as he journeyed in following the leading of the Lord. The Lord's command was to Jeremiah to carry out the task, and as a result, Jeremiah could not rest on anyone else to carry out the work of the Lord. Today, you and I receive a direct command from the Lord to be his ambassadors. We are to represent his kingdom and his glory in the world today. When you consider your life, do you seek to live and carry out the direct command of the Lord? Do you live out the direct come-in by trusting in his provision to carry out the task?


The Lord created, commissioned, and called Jeremiah to serve his kingdom as the prophet to the people. Jeremiah was chosen for the task. The Lord chose to use Jeremiah to influence the people to hear the message of the Lord. Since the Lord chose Jeremiah, he was not bound by worldly standards. He was to serve the Lord, even though he was young. The Lord chose Jeremiah to be part of the kingdom's work. Today, the Lord continues to choose his children to be his workers in the field, ready for the harvest. When you consider your relationship with the Lord, do you recognize that he has specifically chosen you for a special task that brings him glory and expands his kingdom?


Empty Words


Traits of a Repentant Heart