Traits of a Repentant Heart

Daily Old Testament Reading: Zephaniah 1-3

Daily Focus Passage: Zephaniah 2

The Word of the Lord came to the prophet Zephaniah. Zephaniah proclaimed the coming destruction and punishment due to the sin of the people. The prophet called on the people to repent their unfaithfulness in the middle of his proclamation. The call to repentance included the presentation of vital traits to a repentant heart. These traits extend to us today and should challenge us to live in a posture that seeks repentance appropriately and live faithfully for the Lord.


The prophet commands the people to seek the Lord. The call to seek extends the charge to pursue the Lord with everything. When one seeks the Lord, they cast their vision to the Lord and set their goal with the Lord. When the vision and goal become set on the Lord, the follower of Christ chases after serving the Lord and fulfilling the calling that the Lord gives. Seeking occurs as we strive to be like Jesus and pursue his will. What are you chasing after in life? Are you pursuing Jesus or things of this world?


The prophet notes that seeking the Lord is vital, but that one must also obey the Lord. Though seeking sets the goal and the aim of the pursuit, obedience displays commitment. Obedience to the ways and will of the Lord displays the resolve one has to follow the Lord. The act of obedience reveals the placement of the Lord in one’s life. Obedience to the Lord means rejecting to live for the self. As you seek the Lord, are you living in obedience to the ways and will of the Lord? Are you showing the world Jesus through your obedience?


The prophet calls on the people to seek righteousness. Righteousness is the state of living in virtue, uprightness, and morality. Righteousness occurs when we live according to the ways of the Lord. When we seek and obey the Lord, we produce a life of righteousness because we follow Jesus. At the same time, when we pursue righteousness, we desire to be known by representing the Lord. We live in righteousness when we allow the Lord to guide our lives and set the guardrails for our lives. Are you seeking to live in righteousness, or are you justifying a life of unrighteousness?


The prophet calls the people to live in humility. The apostle Paul told the Philippians to live in humility, as displayed by Christ. Humility means that we live in a state of recognizing our sinfulness. Humility allows us to refuse to see ourselves more highly than others. Humility fuels our ability to seek the Lord and to serve others. When we live in humility, we counter to the self-centric nature of the flesh. When you consider your life, are you living in humility?

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must strive to maintain a repentant heart. This heart occurs as we battle against the temptation of the flesh to live for the self and seek forgiveness when we disobey the Lord. We must strive to develop a life that pursues the Lord passionately to obey him, live in righteousness, and remain humble. How are you at living out the traits of a repentant heart?


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