Finding God’s Word

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Chronicles 34-35; 2 Kings 22-23

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Chronicles 34

The Word of God provides us with God’s revelation and his truth. God’s Word provides us with the needed guidance to navigate this world and understand God's greatness and the gift of salvation. As 2 Chronicles 34 opens, King Josiah becomes king and seeks to live in obedience before the Lord. Josiah’s pursuit of the Lord separated him from his predecessor, who sought to live according to the world's ways. As Josiah led the people to rebuild the Temple, the Word of God was discovered, and revival broke out. This moment provides us with the challenge to ask if we are living as if the Word of God is lost or if we are living as if the Word of God is found.


In 2 Chronicles 34, the Word of God is discovered as the people work to rebuild the Temple. The discovery of the Word reveals that the Word had been lost. The Word of God is lost when we ignore it. We ignore the Word of God when we overlook the significance of the Word. We may read or know the stories but ignore the truth revealed in our lives. The Word of God is lost in our lives when we ignore it.

The Word of God is lost when we reject it. When we reject the Word of God, we turn our backs on the truth of the Word and reject to follow the truth revealed by the Lord. Rejection of the truth is living as if the Word of God is lost because the Word is not given authority or importance in one’s life. Thus, rejection of the Word is the live as if the truth is error and wrong.

The Word of God is lost when we alter it. When we alter the Word of God, we live as if we have lost it because an altered truth is no truth. When we alter the truth, we attempt to make the truth of the Lord in our mindset and perspective. This attempt to live occurs because of the flesh and the pride of life.


2 Chronicles tells what occurs when the Word of the Lord is found. Sin in one’s life becomes apparent. The engagement of truth brings to the forefront the sin in one’s life. When we engage the straightness of the truth in God’s Word, we recognize our waywardness and crookedness. When we engage the Word, we come to the place of understanding our wickedness before the Lord.

People repent of their sins. The Word of God encourages people to repent their sins and seek forgiveness from the Lord. We recognize that our sin comes against the Lord and seek forgiveness from the Lord. The Word tells us that God is faithful to forgive when we genuinely repent because of his grace and mercy.

People turn to the Lord. As repentance occurs, we turn from living in sin and turn to the pursuit of living for the Lord. Turning to the Lord means allowing the Word of God to become authoritative in our lives and pushing us toward following the Lord in obedience. The Word of God challenges us to seek forgiveness and to live in faithfulness before the Lord.

2 Chronicles 34 teaches us the importance of living under the authority of God’s Word. We must allow the Word of God to speak into our lives and guide us to repentance. We must battle to ensure we do not lose the Word of God but instead live a life that the Word controls.


Traits of a Repentant Heart


The Lord is Good