Everything Praise the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 149-150; 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 150

Believers must worship the Lord. The act of worship does not exist as a suggestion or good idea for the believer, but the believer lives under the expectation to rejoice in the Lord and to praise him alone. Psalm 150 closes the collection of Psalms with the call of expectation to worship the Lord. The Psalm ends with the simple declaration, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” When we consider this Psalm, we must evaluate our lives for the practice of faithful worship.


Worship exists for God. The focus of worship centers on the Lord alone and not on any other person, place, or thing. The Lord is jealous and will not share the praise and glory he deserves. The Lord alone is holy. The Lord alone sets the captives free. The Lord alone works miracles in the lives of people. He alone is worthy of praise. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Provider; thus, we must bow before him and give him all praise. When we consider our worship, do we praise anything other than the Lord? Is the focus of our worship fixed on the Lord alone? 


Worship must exist as a foundational practice in the life of the believer and must flow from the believer’s foundation. The believer must seek to praise the Lord in every moment of every day. The believer worships the Lord by declaring words, singing praises, and living in obedience. The believer must seek to worship the Lord in every moment of life because of the greatness and goodness of the Lord. When you consider your life, do you seek to praise the Lord as part of your foundational living?

Genuine worship occurs when the believer rejoices in the Lord from the foundation of their life. When praise arises from life’s foundation, the believer reveals their trust in the Lord and their reliance upon it for all things. Authentic worship happens when we allow every component of our lives to flow from the foundation of Christ in our lives. When you consider your life, is the Lord the foundation of your life? Do you rejoice in the Lord because he is your foundation? 


The Psalmist does not limit the form of worship. He does not concern himself with the form or style of worship but does declare that worship must occur. He calls on everything with breath to praise the Lord. He calls for obedience in living as a practice of worship. He declares that playing instruments and shouting for joy serve as worship. The Lord receives worship in various forms and styles. He does not concern himself with the how, but he does concern himself with the why we worship him. How have you ever allowed form to deter you from worship? What are various ways you can praise the Lord?


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