Iron Sharpens Iron

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 25-27

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 27

Proverbs 27:17 is one of the more familiar proverbs. The passage reads, “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.” This short statement carries a profound spiritual truth that reveals the importance of living in a community of faith. As believers, we were created and recreated for relationships. Our faith does not need to exist in isolation, but we must strive to live with other believers who encourage and challenge us to grow in our walk with Christ. This passage teaches that truth and challenges us to understand the importance of social and sharpening discourse.  


Social discourse provides an avenue to grow in our walk with the Lord, speak truth in love, and share the message of Jesus Christ. When we develop a proper approach to social dialogue, we strive to build bridges with others to grow in understanding their thought process and opening a dialogue to engage them with the gospel. Proper social discourse occurs when we hold honest conversations with others. An honest conversation may not be easy because the focus revolves around speaking truth into various perspectives and beliefs.

If we seek to sharpen one another, we must develop strategic tools for proper engagement. The first tool needed is a strong foundation. We must be grounded in our faith and biblically literate about the truth. We must know God’s Word and hold the Word as inerrant, infallible, and absolute truth. At the same time, we must develop the ability to listen intently. This approach to listening acknowledges that you consider the other person valuable and respect them enough to listen and understand their perspective. When we listen in this manner, we must develop discernment. Discernment allows us to distinguish that which is true and not true. Discernment allows us to sift through different worldviews and perspectives and helps us respond to the conversation in truth and love.  


The discourse must serve as a sharpening tool. When we engage in discourse, we become sharpened in our faith. As we engage with other believers, we find encouragement in our walk with the Lord and grow in the knowledge of the truth as we learn from one another in our journey as a community of faith. We sharpen one another through accountability, teaching, and serving. These avenues strengthen our faith in the Lord.

The sharpening is a painful task. The pain of one sharpening another is gain. The moment of interaction may hurt, but the growth that comes from the moment strengthens our relationship with the Lord. When this sharpening occurs in the Body of Christ, the Body becomes sharper as each challenges one another to deepen their walk with the Lord. Accountability is one of the most effective ways for believers to sharpen one another.

The importance of sharpening one another reveals that believers must never exist as an island. We were created for the community, and believers are called to participate in community. The presence of community opens the opportunity for growth to occur through the sharpening of one another. When we attempt to isolate ourselves as an island, we become stagnant and fail to mature to the place the Lord desires.  Thus, if we truly seek to grow in Christ, we need to be in a community of faith and seek to exist in relationships where iron sharpens iron.


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