The Need of Prophetic Vision

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 28-29; Ecclesiastes 1-2

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 29

Solomon declared the importance of people living under prophetic vision. He stated, “Without revelation the people run wild, but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.” People need to live under the vision of the Lord to experience the fullness of joy. Just like in the day of Solomon, we must continue striving to live under prophetic vision to live with order and direction. When we live under the instruction of the Lord, we understand the leading of the Lord as we allow his truth to impact and guide our life.


Many people have heard this Proverb: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” When we dive into the original language of this passage, we find that the vision spoken of is the prophetic vision in the form of revelation from the Lord. Thus, we must strive to follow the vision that the Lord reveals to us. When people reject the prophetic vision or do not heed the revelation of the Lord, then they live without restraint and, as a result, run wild.

When we live without restraint, our lives resemble a wild beast that is not tamed. They live out of control and without purpose. When people live without the prophetic revelation, everyone lives for the self, and there is no singular movement under the leadership of the Lord. Thus, we must strive to know the revelation of the Lord and allow this revelation to provide the vision for our lives and to give us purpose.  


Finding the prophetic vision needed for life comes from seeking the Word of God. The vision must never be based on worldly or personal expectations. The vision must never become formed or mapped out by our perspectives. Instead, we must search for the elementary truth principles the Lord provides. He alone is the source of genuine truth, and he alone is the source of the needed vision for the journey ahead.  

When we seek the Word of God, we must engage the truth and allow it to impact our hearts. We must guard against manipulating our understanding of the truth based on our perspectives and thoughts and come to the Word of God with a heart of surrender and submission. We must surrender the ways of the flesh before the Lord and submit to his ways. When we engage his Word, we gain the needed principles to form the path ahead.  


The direction that comes from the instruction of the Lord provides genuine joy. This statement does not mean that difficulty and pain will not occur. Instead, it means that through the moments of struggle, the believer experiences the grace and guidance of the Lord, which is more than enough. The presence of God’s grace allows for joy to occur amid the pain.

When we seek to live under the divine instruction of the Lord, we find purpose not in the activities of life but in fulfilling God’s calling on our lives. We become filled with joy because we glorify the Lord with our entire lives. The ability to live under divine instruction means that we must surrender the entirety of our lives to the Lord and sacrifice any hindrance that keeps us from obedience.

When you consider the direction of your life, what is driving your vision? Are you living for the self? Are you attempting to define your path forward? Will you commit to seeking divine instruction? Will you commit to surrendering to divine instruction? Will you commit to stepping in the guidance of divine instruction?


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