Faith Must Conquer Fear

Daily Old Testament Reading: Deuteronomy 19-21

Daily Focus Passage: Deuteronomy 20


The Lord often guides us into journeys that force us to follow in faith. We may not understand the components of the journey, but we must follow in faith that rests in the goodness of the Lord and his desire to bless us. In Deuteronomy 20, the Lord calls the people to prepare for battle as they come near the Promised Land. The declaration comes as a call to live in faith and not allow fear to derail the Lord’s plan for them. As we read this chapter, may we find the importance of living in faith over fear in our lives.


The Lord called the people in the direction of the Promised Land. This adventure would not be easy but would require faith, endurance, and trust. The journey forward would include battles and threats, but they needed to find certainty in the Lord to finish the journey. The people needed to remember that the Lord who called them forward is the God who rescued and delivered them from their plight. Thus, he did not rescue them to abandon them. At the same time, the people needed to recall how the Lord led them through the wilderness and provided them on the journey. These activities of the Lord provide the foundation for trusting the Lord’s leading into the future. 

When we receive the call of the Lord to move forward, we must commit to following his lead. We find assurance when we remember and reflect on how the Lord delivered us and rescued us from the bondage of sin. We need to recall how the Lord had worked in our lives and provided for us when we needed provision. These memories and times of reflection fuel our ability to follow the leading of the Lord even when the journey appears difficult and the finish line may not be clear.


The Lord’s plan for the people of Israel meant that the people had to follow the Lord step by step. They may not have understood entirely what was before them, but they had to rest in the Lord who went before them. The calling of the Lord offered an opportunity to exemplify trusting him because the journey ahead is different than the journey they just took. They were transitioning from wandering to marching with a purpose. At the same time, the people would find the journey ahead unsettling because it pushed them outside their comfort zone and called them to step in blind faith that they did not see the outcome.  

Today, we must learn and develop trust in the Lord’s plan for our lives. We may receive a call that requires blind faith. We may not see the ultimate destination, but we journey step by step in faithfulness trusting the Lord for the outcome. The journey ahead may move us outside our comfort zone and differ greatly from what we have experienced. The key to successful journeying occurs when we trust in the Lord and do not allow the other temptations to cause a hindrance in following the Lord.  


The ability to allow faith to conquer fear occurs when you completely trust the Lord. One important step to accomplish this state is not falling prey to lies. Two types of lies can keep us from trusting the Lord. First, we can believe lies about ourselves. These lies often distract us from following the Lord because we become consumed with our faults, weakness, and mistakes. Often these lies deal with value and self-worth and are lies because they are based on metrics of the flesh and not of the Lord. Second, we can believe lies about others. These lies keep us from living in faith because they fuel our fear of the situation and others.

A second activity to live in faith over fear occurs when we constantly seek the Lord. The constant seeking of the Lord takes an intentional desire to live for the Lord no matter what and to spend time with him. When seeking the Lord is a priority in life, we find ourselves open to receiving the needed guidance and encouragement from the Lord to overcome the fears that seek to sneak in. Thus, to allow our faith to overcome our fear, we must seek the Lord and allow him to fuel the development of our faith.

A third trait to living in faith over fear happens when we refuse to hold anything back from the Lord. When the Lord calls us forward, he expects complete devotion. When we want to hold back from the Lord and not move completely forward, we live in a state of uncertainty that does not demonstrate complete trust in the Lord. Thus, sacrificing all before the Lord demonstrates a step of faith that promotes conquering our fear.

Where is the Lord calling you today? What fear exists that hinders you from complete obedience? What lies are you believing? The Lord has an amazing journey that awaits you. Will you commit and follow the Lord each step of the way?


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