The Chosen Leaders

Daily Old Testament Reading: Deuteronomy 15-18

Daily Focus Passage: Deuteronomy 17

Living in a democracy means that we, the people use a voting system to elect the official leaders of our nation. This process often leads to vocal opposition and tension as the nation awaits the selection of a new leader. Unlike us living in a democracy, the people of Israel were called to be a theocracy. This system meant that the people were to have the Lord alone as their leader and to trust in him as he placed individuals like Moses into leadership representing him. Though this was the Lord’s desire, the Lord knew that the nature of the flesh would tempt the people to cry out for an earthly king like the other nations. Thus, he provided critical truths about the selection of this king. When we look at these truths, we must recognize the same truths should drive believers today when they seek to select a leader, even in a democracy.


The Lord instructed that he must select an earthly king. The Lord knew that the people would seek a king that met the world's criteria and would rest in the outward appearance and activities. Unlike the people’s viewpoint, the Lord knew the individual's heart and sought a person of faithfulness and humility to lead the people. Today, we must continue to allow the Lord to choose the leader. We must guard against outward success or party affiliation to drive our selection. As believers, we must seek the Lord for guidance in our selection. We must pray and engage with the truth of God’s Word to allow the Lord to reveal the leader He would choose.  


The Lord told the people of Israel that the selection of a leader must be a person that trusts in and follows the Lord. They experienced this form of leadership with Moses, and any earthly king should seek the example set forth. The metric of faith in the Lord revealed humility before the Lord, which allowed the person to lead under the Lord’s guidance. Today, we must pray to the Lord to call Christian leaders into service. We must seek leaders who live under the truth of God’s Word and live in humility before the Lord while seeking his leadership for the nation.  


Moses instructed the people on behalf of the Lord to seek a king who would seek purity and avoid temptation. This command meant the leader must strive to live in obedience to the ways and will of the Lord. He must strive to live in righteousness and overcome the temptation to appease the people, priorities, and perspectives of the world. Today, believers must pray for the Lord to call a leader who lives in faithfulness. We must seek a leader who attempts to live in purity before the Lord and strives to overcome the temptations of the ideology of the world and even political party expectations. Instead, our prayer must center on the calling of a leader that strives to live in the will and ways of the Lord first and foremost.  


The Lord knew that the people's demands would threaten a king's leadership ability. If the king listened to all the voices around him and allowed the voices to drown out the leading of the Lord, then the king would fail to seek the Lord for guidance and live in obedience to his leading. Therefore, believers must continue praying for leaders who seek the Lord alone for guidance and direction. We must seek leaders who live in obedience to the commands of the Lord and who battle to block out the voices of this world that would lead them astray from the will and ways of the Lord.  


Under the Lord’s leadership, Moses informed the people to select a leader that worships the Lord. This command rests in the reality that with authority and power comes the temptation for others to worship the leader instead of the leader pointing them to the worship of the Lord. The act of worship does not occur one day a week, but this worship occurs as the leader serves the Lord in faithfulness. So likewise, we need leaders today that do not seek to promote the self or an agenda; instead, we need leaders who worship the Lord in praise and obedience.

Politics is a difficult subject because it easily becomes a touchy subject. We must recognize as believers that our affiliation rests ultimately in the Kingdom of God and to the Lord. At the same time, we live in a dynamic where leaders are chosen. Over the next year and a half, we will enter a season of political tension as an upcoming election occurs. I will not tell you who you should or should not vote for, but I will say that as a follower of Christ, this is my prayer as we enter this season and then again as we approach the next election.



Please call a leader for our nation who follows you. Allow our hearts to be guided by you in the selection process. I ask that the leader seek to live in purity and battle to overcome temptation from the voices in the world that would lead them astray. I ask that the leader would be someone whose loyalty and affiliation ultimately rest in you and your kingdom. I ask that the leader would be an individual who would worship you in word and deed. Finally, I ask that you clarify who you would have selected to lead and allow me to find peace in you about my activity in this process.

In Jesus' Name, I Pray.



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