Six Traits to Live for the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: Deuteronomy 12-14

Daily Focus Passage: Deuteronomy 13

As a follower of Christ, we must seek to live for the Lord in every aspect of our lives. We have not mastered this, yet we must strive to live in a manner that reflects a relationship with the Lord and demonstrates a constant life of worship through obedience. In Deuteronomy 13, the Lord tells the people to live in faithfulness before him. Within chapter 13, the Lord provides at least six traits that the people needed to follow to enter the promised land and that we must strive to follow today.


A primary trait of a believer is the faithfulness to follow the leading of the Lord. The people in Deuteronomy neared the Promised Land by following the direction of God. As they came to the promise's borders, they needed to remain diligent in seeking his leading and following as he led. So likewise, we must strive to see how the Lord leads our lives. As we see the Lord moving, we must follow in complete faith and trust even when we do not understand or know the entire journey. Thus, trait one is to follow the Lord.


The children of Israel received the command to fear the Lord. A proper fear of the Lord does not mean one life in constant turmoil but instead indicates onces respect and reverence for the Lord. The fear of the Lord exists when we understand the holiness and glory of the Lord and our unholiness and unrighteousness. At the same time, a proper fear of the Lord forces us to stand in awe because of his great mercy and grace despite our sinfulness. Thus, we respond in proper fear, which is trait two.


The people of Israel received the law and the command to keep the law. The law did not come to the people as a tremendous suggestion, but it reached them with the expectation to follow. Today, the Lord reveals his ways through his word and spending time with us. As the Lord speaks and leads us toward understanding his ways, we must live these commands out in our lives. We cannot hold them as knowledge alone; the commands must become part of our life. Thus, trait three is a life seeking to live out the commands of the Lord. 


The people heard many voices. People in the camp had historically struggled to trust the Lord completely and had voiced their concern over his leading. The nations around them may have used rhetoric to deter their continued march. Yet, the Lord expected the people to block out the outside noise and listen to the Lord alone. Today, many voices attempt to keep us from hearing from the Lord. As we live in faithfulness, we must seek to tune into our conversation with the Lord and listen to him as he guides us and directs us. Thus, trait four rests in listening to the Lord.  


The children of Israel received the command to worship the Lord. The Lord even provided instructions to carry out this act of praise systematically and obediently. At the same time, the people worshiped the Lord when they overcame the temptation to fall into idolatry and walked faithfully in his leading. We must continue to worship the Lord today. Our worship must extend beyond a Sunday service and reach into the moment of being an integral part of daily life. We must seek to worship the Lord in song, word, and faithful obedience. Thus, trait five is the act of obedience as worship.  


The people in Deuteronomy would receive the blessing if they remained faithful to the Lord. Their faithfulness was a sign of complete trust in the Lord and his promises. So today, we must remain faithful to the Lord despite many temptations surrounding us. We must plant our lives into the Lord and allow him to hold us firm. The ability to remain faithful no matter what comes up means that we demonstrate the presence of the Lord in our lives and our commitment to Him. Thus, trait six is a life of faithfulness.

The children of Israel received a command from the Lord to live in a manner that reflected their relationship with him. This expectation did not cease when the New Covenant began in Christ but continues today. When we have a relationship with Christ, we must strive to live out in faithfulness. We must seek to demonstrate these six critical traits of a life of a believer and allow the world to see Christ in us.


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