From Pain to Praise

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 54, 63; 1 Samuel 28-29

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 54

Pain has a way of forcing us to center on the self. We become discouraged and battle the feeling of defeat. Pain comes at us to keep us from sensing the presence of the Lord and tempts us to become overly focused on the self and the dynamics around us. Yet, pain offers an opportunity to display genuine faith in the Lord and to trust in the Lord to work on our behalf. In Psalm 54, David is facing the onslaught of his enemies. This moment drives him to call out to the Lord for help, and ends up in a moment of praise. Can our pain turn to praise?


David faced danger from various avenues. Each danger carried a sense of pain because the threat caused fear and unsettledness. David spent many years running for his life because of the pursuit of King Saul. David also faced other enemies that would come after him as well. David faced danger from all sides and the temptation of living in a defeated mindset.

Danger around us has a way of causing pain. We face mental, physical, and spiritual angst because of the threat of danger. The pain we experience tries our ability because of our weakness and often attacks or threatens to attack in the areas of life that are exposed. We live in a state where the enemy comes at us in all directions, and he attempts to surround us with danger to keep our eyes off the Lord. Yet, David modeled the importance of turning to the Lord when we face the enemy.


David did not attempt to turn the battle against the enemy in his favor. Instead, David turned to the Lord to fight the battle before him. David cried out for the Lord to help him. The phrasing demonstrates that David understood the Lord as the only relief from the situation. At the same time, David knew that the ability to endure this pain and struggle came only from the Lord. The Lord alone is the Sustainer. Thus he requests the Lord to work on his behalf.

As danger, pain, and temptation come in our direction, we must learn to look to the Lord. When surrounded by the enemy, we must lean into the Lord as the true Helper and Sustainer to endure and find victory. The defining moment of the journey comes when we surrender everything to the Lord and cry out to him to fight the battle before us. Then, when we approach the Lord and request his victory, we find hope amid the pain and struggle because we trust in the Lord’s victory.


David responds to the work of the Lord with praise. He delights in the Lord and honors him by praising his name. He glorified the Lord through a life of sacrifice and praised the name of the Lord because the Lord is good. He rejoiced in the goodness of God because the Lord alone gained victory for his children. Ultimately, the Lord delivers David from all his troubles. This does not mean that pain left or never occurred again, but it reveals the constant presence of the Lord in the struggle and the promise of eternal victory.

When we receive the victory of the Lord, we must turn to a life of praise. Praise occurs when we sacrifice ourselves before the Lord and surrender to him. We rejoice in the Lord because he provides us with the strength to face the coming storm, the foundation to remain firm, and the victory when he calms the storm. This truth does not mean life becomes easy for the believer, but this truth indicates that the Lord provides hope because of his work now and the promise of eternal victory.

David faced a dangerous moment in his life that caused great pain. He modeled the importance of turning to the Lord and not attempting to solve the issue in his strength. Instead, he rested in the deliverance of the Lord and praised him for his work. As you face pain and struggle today, are you attempting to deal with it in your strength, or are you giving it to the Lord? Are you seeking victory through means other than the Lord? Are you ready to praise the Lord for his goodness and work on your behalf?


It Belongs to the Lord


A Clean Heart