It Belongs to the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 18; 1 Samuel 30-31

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 30

David and his troops arrived in Ziklag to find that the land had been under siege and burned by the Amalekites. The Amalekites took the women and the children captive and carried them away. The soldiers with David wept over this situation, and David knew that the men might turn against him. So, under the Lord's guidance, David led the men to pursue the Amalekites. Some men grew tired and stopped along the journey, while others continued and overcame the Amalekites. Finally, the people reclaimed those who had been captive, and all were restored. As they returned to the troops that had remained behind, David instructed them to share the plunder. Those men who fought did not desire to share with those who stayed behind. David's response centered on the shared wealth because the Lord had given it; thus, it belonged to him, not the people. This moment challenges us to approach life with the perspective that the Lord owns everything.


David knew that the blessings received in the victory came from the Lord. Therefore, he did not allow the warriors to take credit for the victory over the Amalekites. The blessing of victory occurred under the Lord's leadership and strength. This understanding built the framework for David's perspective regarding who owned the plunder and the rewards from the victories. David never forgot that the blessing of victory occurred because of the Lord.

As believers, we experience so many blessings. These blessings do not manifest themselves because of our ability; instead, they come to us from the Lord. He extends favor we do not deserve and allows us to experience his goodness. As a result, the blessings do not belong to us, nor do we have the right to claim them because they belong and are from the Lord. We do not earn them, but they come to us as an extension of God's grace and mercy.  


The people's reward from the Lord belonged to the Lord, not them. The reward for their pleasure existed as an opportunity to steward the blessing of the Lord. Thus, David understood that the reward from the blessing was given to be shared and not to be withheld. The reward came not because it was deserved but as a gift from the Lord with the expectation of practicing good stewardship.

As believers, the rewards we gain do not come because we deserve them—instead, they flow from the Lord's blessing as a gift. The received gift carries the responsibility to be a good steward of resources and to bless others. The reward is to be a shared reward and not a gained treasure for the self. When we recognize this, we understand that even our children are blessings of reward that we are responsible for stewarding and guiding toward serving the Lord.  


Like David, we must strive to develop a perspective of stewardship that encompasses all aspects of life. We must understand the blessings we receive as opportunities to respond to the Lord in our created design as a steward. The ability to develop this perspective means that we must forfeit our selfish personal rights and surrender to the calling and leading of the Lord. When you consider your engagement with the blessings of the Lord, would you define yourself as a good steward or in need of developing better stewardship of God's blessing?


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