Look To The Mountains

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 121, 123-125

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 121

David begins Psalm 121 with the famous phrase, "I lift my eyes toward the mountains." As David defines his action, he asks, "Where will my help come from?" David follows this opening with the only true answer, the Lord. Psalm 121 provides reassurance for finding hope in the Lord no matter what we face. As a result, we must look to the mountains and trust in the Lord as our needed help.


David declared, "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." This statement details how the Creator of all things cares deeply for his creation. As a result, the Lord did not create and then abandon his creation. Instead, the Lord created and continually engaged and works with and through his creation. Therefore, when help comes from the Creator, the one who created can recreate and restore. Thus, we find hope that our needed help comes from the one who created us.


David explained that the Lord never "slumbered." The Lord never takes a day off or a nap that would prevent him from engaging and helping his own. Instead, the Lord is ever awake and active in our lives. We hope the Lord does not fail to deal with us because he is on vacation, taking a nap, or has the day off. We find hope because he is ever-present and ever-working. Thus, our Protector provides help to us constantly and provides hope to us because of his presence.  


David described the protection of the Lord as the "shelter right by your side." The Protector never abandons his own but offers them shelter from the coming storm. As a shelter, the Protector provides safety and security when the storms of life approach. A shelter serves as a place where we can find peace in the midst of the storm. God never leaves or forsakes us; instead, he provides shelter for us.


David noted that the protection of the Lord comes as an eternal promise. He stated, "the Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever." This promise flows from the eternal nature of the Lord and the eternal promise given to his children. As a child of God, we find hope in the promise of eternal protection provided by the Eternal One. Thus, when we look to the mountains, we find the certainty of the presence and protection of the Lord now and later.

David provides us with truths about how God is our help. He provides critical truths that remind us that our lives must rest on the foundation of Christ and that our hope must be grounded in the Lord. We must lean into the Lord, for he alone is the needed help for our lives. We must come to the place of looking to the mountains for the Lord and not attempt to find help through other means. Are you seeking the Lord as your help and looking to the mountains?


Walk in His Steps


It Belongs to the Lord