The Heart of Seeking the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 72; 1 Kings 4; 2 Chronicles 1; Song of Solomon 1

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Chronicles 1

2 Chronicles 1 opens with the beginning of Solomon’s rule. As Solomon began to rule as king, he sought the Lord and requested that the Lord grant him wisdom and understanding. Solomon desired to lead as a representative of the Lord and not for personal gain. This request demonstrated Solomon’s heart to serve the Lord as he began to rule. As we read of Solomon’s request of the Lord, may we ask if the requests of our hearts extend from a pure heart before the Lord.


Solomon knew of the steadfast love and sovereign nature of the Lord. He experienced the Lord’s faithful love as he learned from his father, David, and watched David live before the Lord. He trusted in this love of God in his life and thus requested wisdom in the knowledge of this steadfast love. He knew that the Lord had appointed him to this role of king and that the Lord would equip him for the task. Thus, he rested in certainty in the Lord when he approached him with the request. Today, when we approach the Lord, we must trust in his steadfast love and his equipping us for the task he has called us to participate in.  


Solomon requested wisdom over wealth and discernment over possessions. He wanted to gain the ability to discern the events and people in the world with the wisdom that comes from the Lord alone. This request reveals that Solomon knew the possible struggle to remain obedient to the Lord without the blessing of the Lord. He knew of the temptation of the flesh to pursue the world's glory and wanted the ability to discern these threats to live for the glory of the Lord. The world continues to tempt us to pursue worldly things and glory. We must strive like Solomon to receive the needed wisdom and discernment to navigate this world and live for the Lord obediently.  


Solomon approached the Lord with a condition of a pure heart. Solomon came before the Lord with the desire to see the Lord’s will accomplish, and the people know the leading of the Lord through Solomon’s rule. As a result, Solomon approached the Lord in the posture of humility. Solomon did not allow his position to become a platform for elevating the self but instead approached the Lord, understanding that he was nothing in the presence of the Lord. He saw the task of leading greater than his ability or himself. Thus, he came to the Lord in humility. Likewise, we must strive to approach the Lord in humility, understanding our ultimate need for his strength and guidance.

Solomon’s humility guided him to live and rule in a manner that reflected the glory and greatness of the Lord. His requests centered on the ability to represent the Lord in a way that God alone received the honor through Solomon’s leading. His request came from the desire for the self to decrease and for the Lord’s glory among the people to increase. Likewise, we must seek to live in a manner that glorifies the Lord. We must not seek the Lord for personal glory but represent the Lord so that he alone is praised and acknowledged.

Solomon sought to be led to lead. Solomon knew that he could not lead the people in the ways of the Lord unless the Lord first led him. Solomon sought the Lord to guide his steps so that he could lead the people in the ways of the Lord. Solomon did not desire to rule from opinion or the world's wisdom; instead, he sought to lead the people from the leading of the Lord in his life. We must seek the leadership of the Lord in our lives and desire for his leadership to impact those around us.


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