Don’t Expect What You Don’t Inspect

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 37-40

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 39

People often expect great things from others or those who have been given responsibility. As a result, leaders often appoint others to carry out a task and share the responsibility for the task at hand. Often, the desired outcome does not occur, and the task becomes an issue instead of a blessing. This happens when leadership fails to inspect the work toward completing the task. Thus, we cannot expect the desired outcome if we fail to inspect the work occurring. Moses modeled this truth in Exodus 39.  


Moses inspected the work carried out by those working on the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, and the priest's clothing. The inspection meant he analyzed the quality of the work and the faithfulness of the work to God’s plan. He checked to affirm that the workers followed the plans of the Lord and did not attempt to form their own. He analyzed the quality of the work because the Lord deserved the best effort of the laborers, not a second-rate effort.

Today, we must analyze our work to affirm that it is according to the leading of the Lord and that the effort reflects the greatness of the Lord. We must take a moment to assess the work of those we lead so that the work occurs as an act of worship and glorifying the Lord in faithfulness. We must take a moment also to analyze our work. Are we seeking to work for the Lord faithfully and seeking to give him honor and glory in our work?


Moses examined the work of the skilled workers and recognized that the work was good and complete. This result meant that the workers had completed their given task and had carried out the work in a manner that honored the Lord. Furthermore, the task was good and complete meant that the work did not occur as a second-rate task but that the skilled workers gave their best effort and presented quality work.

The Lord does not want us to perform some work with minimal effort. He desires that we submit all our efforts and skills to work for his kingdom.  Our effort to serve the Lord reflects our true feelings about the Lord and how we truly honor him. When you take a moment to analyze your life work, would the Lord approve of your work for his kingdom? 


Moses affirmed the skilled workers by approving their work and using it. If Moses had them carry out a task and never used it, he would devalue their effort. Instead, when Moses inspects, he moves to use the product. He encourages their work for the Lord and creates a pipeline for future work. He encourages their faithfulness to the Lord and challenges them to faithfulness in the future.

The same occurs today when we inspect the work in our lives or the work of others. We use the work and demonstrate genuine care, and gratitude for the work carried out. When we affirm the work of others or have our work affirmed, we find value in the work we have carried out for the Lord. How are you affirming the work of others? How are you affirming the work in your life?


Burnt to Belong


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