Radiate the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 34-36

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 34

Moses met with the Lord in Exodus 34. As a result of his engagement with the Lord, Moses had to wear a veil because the radiance of being with the Lord was too bright for the people. Just like Moses, when we spend time with the Lord, we must illuminate and radiate Jesus. Our lives must demonstrate so much of Jesus that his holiness and glory blind the world. Exodus 34 challenges us to approach and engage the Lord in a manner that causes us to radiate Christ.  


Moses stood in the presence of the Lord and communicated with him. This time the Lord ignited radiation from Moses that the world could not tolerate. The radiance did not extend from a life well lived or spiritual activities, but the illumination occurred because of the powerful presence of the Lord. Moses glowed because the Lord had empowered the glory.

When we spend time with the Lord authentically and intentionally, we must allow him to empower us to illuminate his greatness. We must desire the world to see Jesus through us and declare that we have been with Jesus. Is your time with Jesus so impactful that the world sees the radiation of spending time with Jesus? 


Moses received the Word of the Lord while spending time with the Lord. The Word given to Moses was not meant to be kept as a secret, but Moses received the Word with the command to share it with others. As a result, as Moses received the Word, he became changed and transformed by the power of the Word. He began to illuminate the truth of the Word in his life and shared it with others so they could be impacted.

When we engage the Word of God, we must desire transformation. We must want the Word to change us and cause others to see the truth in our lives. We must seek to radiate the presence of the Word in our hearts and share it with others so that they may experience the power and fullness of the work of the Word in our life. Are you living out the Word in your life? Are others seeing the truth displayed through you? Are you radiating the Word of God in your life so others may see, hear, and know? 


Moses demonstrated the changed life by walking according to the received Word. Engaging with the Lord changed Moses and allowed him to radiate what the Lord had done in his life. If Moses had neglected to meet with the Lord, he would have never fulfilled the desired blessing and purpose the Lord had for him, and he would not have illuminated and radiated from spending time with the Lord.

When we neglect to spend time with the Lord, we miss the Lord's blessing and purpose for our lives. Moses teaches us today that we must intentionally engage with the Lord and allow his truth to change us. We must become the beacon that illuminates the truth verbally and in our actions. As you consider your life, does your life radiate the greatness of the Lord?


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