A Father’s Last Lesson

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 37, 71; 1 Kings 1-2

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Kings 2

In 1 Kings 1-2, David anointed Solomon as king of Israel and provided for him one last lesson. This lesson centered on leading while trusting in and following the Lord. David's lesson impacts Solomon and his leadership but reaches through the generations and stands as a lesson for us today. As we contemplate 1 Kings 2:1-4, may we hear the last lesson of David and seek to live the charge out in our lives.


David challenged Solomon to find the strength to serve as king from the Lord. David knew that the temptation to trust in the strength of the self, the position in this world, and the things of this world would come against Solomon. Thus, he charged his son to seek the needed strength to navigate life in the Lord alone. The same temptation exists today, and the same charge extends to us. We must fight to find our strength in the things, places, and people of this world. We must rest upon the Lord to be our foundation, constructor, and strength for life.  


David told Solomon to observe the ways of the Lord. The activity of observing points to seeking to find the Lord's ways to follow the ways of the Lord.  David knew that temptation would come against Solomon that would tempt him to listen to the world's wisdom. Thus, David declared that he must seek the Lord alone. We must set out to seek the ways of the Lord. We must strive to discover his leadership and wisdom in our lives. We must battle to ignore the words of this world that counter the ways of the Lord. As we seek, we must desire to follow the Lord’s guidance.  


David knew that knowing the ways of the Lord alone would not lead to Solomon being a faithful king. He knew that Solomon had to keep the commands of the Lord in his life and live out the ways of the Lord. David charged Solomon to keep the commands because the command provided guidelines for life. They set the parameters by which life must be lived. At the same time, the commands provided a directive forward. They gave directions to the path ahead. Today, we must move beyond knowing the Word of God and place the Word at work in our lives. We must trust it as the guardrails of our life, the parameters of our journey, and the directions on the path.  


David based his charge on two truths. First, he knew that seeking to observe these commands was possible because of the presence of the Lord. He knew the Lord would be with Solomon and provide him with the strength and guidance to lead in faithfulness. The key rested in Solomon’s faithfulness to keep the ways of the Lord. If Solomon remained faithful, he would experience the blessing of the Lord in his life. Today, the Lord continues to journey with us each step of our lives. He still seeks to bless us as his children.

The last lesson of David to Solomon centered on following the Lord in faithfulness. This lesson must not be limited to Solomon but must be understood today. We must seek the Lord to provide the needed strength for all of life. We must seek to know the ways of the Lord and live them out. We must strive to live in faithfulness and follow the commands of the Lord. How are you at following the father’s lesson?


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