Don’t Live A Life Of Vanity

Daily Old Testament Reading: Ecclesiastes 6-9

Daily Focus Passage: Ecclesiastes 6

Solomon knew that life lived for this world was a life of vanity. Vanity occurs when one allows the self to become puffed up in pride and when they find value in life in meaningless and empty things. Solomon warned of the curse of vanity in life as he challenged God’s children not to live a life of vanity but instead live a life of purpose found in the Lord. As you consider your life, do you find your purpose in the Lord or the vanity of this world?


Vanity flows from the presence of pride in one’s life. Pride occurs when we allow the ego to become inflated and think more highly of ourselves than we should. We boast about the possessions we have, the earthly securities we hold, and the status we obtain within society. We allow the ego to control our life, and we become inflated by things of this world and the influences of the flesh. The ego attempts to find purpose, belonging, and security in the flesh and, as a result, builds a life of vanity.  


The inflated ego of vanity expands with the filling of emptiness. This world's possessions, securities, and statuses are fleeting and do not provide one with the needed foundation for life. Instead, when people rest on these vanities, they become filled with empty, failing hope. Their hope is wishful and not a promise because every component inflating the ego will pass away. The life of vanity leaves one wanting, hopeless, and without purpose.  


The inflated ego expands with emptiness and explodes, and the end of vanity with nothing. A life of vanity centers on the self and exists as consumed by the ego. As a result, individuals live for the self, attempt to find purpose in things of this world, and wishfully hope they are “good” enough for the next life. Yet, vanity leads away from the Lord and does not provide the needed substance to offer hope that comes through faith in the needed Savior.

Solomon knew that a life of vanity meant one lived with emptiness and faced eternity separated from the Lord. Yet, Solomon warned of vanity to propel people to faith and obedience in following the Lord. He knew that humility would recognize one’s need for the Lord. He knew that God alone offered the needed substance and meaning for life. He knew that the promise of the Lord provided hope for those who end life in the Lord. As you consider your life wou,ld you be defined as vain or faithful?


The Conclusion of the Matter Is


Let My Words Be Few