The Conclusion of the Matter Is

Daily Old Testament Reading: Ecclesiastes 10-12

Daily Focus Passage: Ecclesiastes 12

Solomon provided key truth wisdom through the Book of Ecclesiastes. He addresses several truths concerning life and charges people to look to the Lord. He compares the way of wisdom versus the way of folly and engages people to have them follow the Lord. As he draws the book to a conclusion, he declares, “When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity. God will bring every act of judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.” Notice three critical truths in Solomon’s conclusion.


First, Solomon concludes all wisdom with the charge and command to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the starting point of true wisdom. Solomon proclaimed this truth in Proverbs 1:7. The ability to fear the Lord means we must hold proper reverence and respect for the Lord. When we have proper fear of the Lord, we become positioned to hear from the Lord and respond to his leading. When we fear the Lord, we become positioned to gain wisdom because we recognize the holiness of the Lord and our unholiness. Thus, a fear of the Lord promotes humility, leading us to respect the Lord and fear him correctly. 


Second, Solomon concludes that genuine wisdom becomes evident in keeping the commands of the Lord. He understood that the ways of the flesh would lead people away from the Lord and down the path of sinful disobedience. When we hold a proper fear of the Lord, we must learn to demonstrate this fear with the keeping of the commands of the Lord. We must search and seek to know the Lord's plans and dedicate ourselves to following the Lord's commands. When we follow the commands of the Lord, we declare his lordship in our lives.  


Third, Solomon declares that all face the judgment of the Lord because of the good, evil, and hidden things of people. Everyone faces the judgment of the Lord. Though believers will stand in judgment, the verdict will be decreed as not guilty even after the evidence is presented because Christ speaks for us. Yet, we must live with the knowledge that our actions will be presented before the Lord, and we will face the judgment of our actions and hidden things.

When summarizing life, we must properly recognize the need to fear the Lord. We must honor and respect the Lord. This fear of the Lord becomes evident as we keep the commands of the Lord and obey His will, way, and Word. Thus, when we stand before the judgment seat of the Lord, we will be judged concerning our obedience or disobedience before the Lord.


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