Live Together in Unity

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Chronicles 11-12; Psalm 133

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 133

Unity is difficult to obtain. The constant ability to live in unity occurs when we pursue to live as Christ. The flesh naturally competes to distract us and distract us from living in unity. In Psalm 133, David confessed the need to live in unity. This confession continues to challenge us today to live in unity with one another and to overcome the temptation of the flesh to live in division.


Unity must become the goal we strive for as followers of Christ. The motivation for unity comes from our relationship with the Lord and does not occur because of the flesh. Jesus desired that we pursue unity with one another. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed that we would experience the reality of unity. The apostle Paul stated that believers exist as a body (Romans 12). The body exists as a collection of varying components that united together in the differences to form a functioning body. Thus, we must strive for unity because it is a mark of a follower of Christ.


Believers must practice genuine love for true unity to form. Jesus commanded believers to “love one another” in John 13:34. The love Jesus spoke about is deeper than a feeling. Love for others must cause people to seek reconciliation in differences, offer forgiveness because of being forgiven, overcome the temptation of the flesh concerning the pride of life, and strive to think of others more highly than the self (Philippians 2). The apostle Peter knew the importance of love for unity when he reminded believers that we must “deeply love one another.” (1 Peter 4:8). Thus, we must strive to extend true love to one another and seek to live in unity.


The flesh causes division, hurt, and pain between people. The existence of flesh means there will always be moments of struggle and pain. Yet, Jesus commanded forgiveness to one another  (Matthew 6:14-15) and charged believers to live as peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). The call to live as a peacemaker means you seek to develop unity and battle against living as a division maker. Unity occurs when we elevate peace and strive to minimize the self. Thus, we must strive to live as peacemakers to produce unity.


The world produces many obstacles that cause division and pain. The counter to this reality comes when believers allow Christ to be the bond that joins them together. The apostle Paul detailed that Jesus is the uniting bond of all things (Ephesians 4:16). When believers lean into Christ and allow him to be the bond of unity, then believers gain the ability to overcome the obstacles presented by the world and find a way through in unity because of the foundation and bond of Christ that brings them together. Thus, we must seek to find unity in Christ and overcome the division that occurs because of the flesh and the world.

Unity is hard. On this side of eternity, we will never master complete unity. Thus, we must learn to live a life pursuing unity. We must be driven by a heart of grace, mercy, and forgiveness that seeks to live unified. We must allow the presence of love to dominate the obstacles of the flesh. We must seek to allow Christ to be the bond that binds us and allow him to be the agent of reconciliation that brings us back together. We must strive for a life of unity with one another.


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