Reason to Rejoice

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Samuel 5; Psalm 102-104

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 103

David opened Psalm 103 by providing several reasons to rejoice in the Lord. He defined several of the works of the Lord as evidence of praising the Lord. Today, when we read Psalm 103, we must recognize that the same God that worked in the life of David and the same God who deserved praise continues to work and still deserves all praise. Let us read the words of David and be prompted to praise the Lord.


David rejoices in the Lord because the Lord is the great Forgiver. David understood the gravity and presence of sin. He knew that he lived as an enemy of the Lord because of the separation caused by his sin. Likewise, he knew that the weight of sin could not be overcome by the works of goodness in one’s life. Thus, he knew that forgiveness was needed. Thus, David identified that the Lord is the great Forgiver who forgives all iniquity when we seek forgiveness. This means that the Lord forgives all sins and does not hold them over you when forgiveness is asked for and granted. Therefore, the reality of forgiveness must drive us to rejoice in the Lord.  


David knew the healing nature of the Lord. The idea of healing occurs in two realms. In the earthly realm, the Lord has the power and ability to heal physical and emotional ailments in conjunction with his will. In a greater way, the Lord guarantees the believer that genuine, eternal, complete healing will occur when we stand in the presence of the Lord and enter into his kingdom. Thus, the miracle of ultimate healing occurs when we become whole in the presence of the Lord. Therefore, the Lord is the great Healer who works in the here and now according to his will and for his glory, but he provides the promise of ultimate healing when we have a relationship with Him through Jesus. The promise of healing must bring praise.  


David understood that the sin in his life deserved the punishment of eternal judgment in the Pit. The Pit references the eternal wrath of God poured out on the unredeemed in Hell. David rejoices because the Lord rescued him from this coming doom through redemption. This act of redemption prompts David to respond in praise. You and I deserve Hell. We are sinners who cannot rescue ourselves. Our only hope comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship occurs because the Lord offers redemption and rescue through this relationship. When we recognize this rescue, we must be driven to the feet of Jesus rejoicing.  


David found his satisfaction in life in the Lord. He trusted in the Lord to renew him and to provide for him because the Lord is love and has great compassion for his own. David acknowledges that the Lord alone satisfies the longings in our souls and renews our strength. The Lord provides for his own in their moment of need and throughout their life. As Provider, the Lord satisfies the deepest of needs in our life. When we understand the Lord as the great Provider, we must be driven to an act of worship and praise.


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