Marks of Unfaithfulness

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Chronicles 8-10

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Chronicles 10

1 Chronicles spends the opening nine chapters providing a detailed list of the people of Israel. This list begins with Adam and moves to the death of Saul in 1 Chronicles 10. The Lord selected Saul to be the king Israel asked for. Saul started well in leading but became overwhelmed with jealousy of David, driven by self-preserving pride and abandonment of seeking to live for the Lord. The unfaithfulness of Saul led to his death and the death of his sons. As 1 Chronicles 10 closes, we are told that "Saul died for his unfaithfulness to the Lord because he did not keep the Lord's word. He even consulted a medium for guidance, but he did not inquire of the Lord. So the Lord put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse."


Marks of unfaithfulness occur in our actions and our moments of neglect. Saul demonstrated how unfaithfulness occurs in the moment of neglect. Saul neglected the Word of God. The rejection of God's word meant that Saul selected to define his path, ethics, and morals. He refused to submit to the ways of the Lord and could not live in faithfulness because he neglected to know the way of the Lord. When we neglect to engage and know the Word of the Lord, we set the stage to live a life of unfaithfulness. When we neglect God's Word, we neglect to know the ways of the Lord and seek to define the ways of our life ourselves.

Saul neglected to speak with God. Saul neglected the engagement of God's Word and refused to speak to the Lord for guidance. As a result, Saul demonstrates a life that acknowledges the Lord with the mouth but rejects the Lord in the heart. The neglect to engage the Word of God and the refusal to speak to the Lord demonstrates a heart turned from the Lord. When we neglect to develop our prayer life, we neglect to speak with the Lord. When we fail to speak with the Lord, we demonstrate a lack of a relationship with the Lord on a heart level.  


Saul’s neglect of authentic engagement with the Lord demonstrated his trust in the wrong wisdom. Saul approached wisdom through a medium instead of seeking the Lord. His neglect of speaking to the Lord became a greater issue as he carried out the act of speaking to the dead through a medium. This act directly rejects the Lord because of its unfaithfulness to the Lord, his Word, and his ways. Saul trusted in earthly wisdom more than the true wisdom of the Lord. He sought guidance from the world and not from the Word. How often do we practice unfaithfulness intentionally or unintentionally? When do we seek worldly wisdom instead of the true wisdom of the Lord? We must commit to seeking guidance from the Lord alone.

Similar to Saul’s practice of neglect, his actions demonstrated a life of unfaithfulness and unrighteousness. Saul did not follow the Lord's commands, leading, and ways. As a result, Saul lived as an unrighteous individual before the Lord. His rejection of the Lord manifested his unrighteous, self-centered heart. His activities in life flowed from the state of his heart. A life of unfaithfulness happens when our lives become dominated by the ways, thoughts, and desires of this world and the refusal to submit and surrender to the Lord's ways, will, and leading. When you consider your actions in life, do they manifest a righteous or unrighteous life?

Saul’s kingship began as the appointed and anointed leader selected by the Lord. Part of his selection required a life of obedience and faithfulness to the Lord. Saul failed to remain faithful. As a result, he fell prey to the temptations, pride, and desires of the flesh. The unfaithfulness of Saul’s life marked the removal of God’s blessing in his life and in the life of his offspring. Saul’s unfaithfulness is manifested in both his activities and neglect. Saul’s life serves to remind us to evaluate our lives. Are we practicing activities of unfaithfulness?  Are we practicing the unfaithfulness of neglect? May we seek to identify these areas in our lives, repent, and seek to engage the Lord intentionally and faithfully.


Reason to Rejoice
