Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 88, 92-93; 1 Chronicles 7

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 92

The people of God face various moments in life that produce both joy and pain. Most of our lives either ascend toward the mountaintop or descend into life's valleys. As we journey this path, we must reflect on the Lord and trust the Lord during each moment. In Psalm 92, the Psalmist provides three truths about the life of the people of God. As we see each of these traits, would they be present in your life? 

A Worshipping People

The Psalmist opens with the declaration concerning the good practice of praising the Lord. This practice centers on praising the Lord and making his great name known. The act of worship declares God's faithful love and announces his holy and great character. At the same time, a worshipping people seek to worship the Lord at all times and in every moment of life. The Psalmist speaks of praising the Lord in the morning and the evening. The end caps of the day reveal the necessity to praise the Lord constantly. Thus, we must continue to exist as worshipping people. We must rejoice in the Lord in every moment of life. Would you be considered a worshipping person?

An Overcoming People

The Psalmist details the pain inflicted by the enemies and the struggle faced. This reality is announced with the statement of trusting in God's victory. The Psalmist speaks of the feelings present when the enemies come against him. Yet, the Psalmist knows that nothing overcomes the Lord. Thus, the person of God overcomes the enemy and the struggles in life because of the Lord's presence, power, and purpose. Today, we continue to face difficulties. We must recognize that we are an overcoming people as a child of God. Are you living knowing that you have the victory and have overcome it? 

A Foundational People

The last part of the Psalm centers on the truth of living a life grounded in the Lord. The Psalmist compares the righteous to a thriving palm tree. The tree thrives because of the proper root base that provides strength and nutrients. The people of God face the elements of life with a strong root system when they live grounded in the Lord. When the people of God live grounded in Christ, they live as foundational people that gain strength and nutrients from the Lord. The same truth exists today. Believers must live with roots planted deeply into the Lord. When a proper root system exists, we live as worshipping people who experience the joy of being an overcomer. What ground are you attempting to plant your roots into?

The people of God live differently than the world. The people of God focus on glorifying the Lord, resting in his promises, and planting the self into the Lord. When we develop a proper foundation in life, we can rejoice and live grounded authentically. When you consider your life, would you be considered a person of God that worships, overcomes, and lives planted in the Lord?


Marks of Unfaithfulness


What god is Great Like God?