Living With Integrity

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 7

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Samuel 24

David must flee for his life from King Saul after the killing of Goliath. As the story of David’s battle expanded, King Saul grew more jealous and sought to kill David. Jonathon, Saul’s son, shared with David his dad’s desire to kill him, which led to a season of fleeing in David’s life. A particular moment occurs in 1 Samuel 24 when David is hiding in a cave that Saul visited. While Saul slept, David cut the corner of his garment to communicate what David could have done to him. Instead, David spared his life because he knew that his time to rule had not yet come and that Saul was the anointed and appointed king. Thus, David demonstrated a life of integrity.


As David cut off the corner of Saul’s garment, he began to experience the guilt of touching God’s anointed and appointed. This guilt led David to seek forgiveness and make known what he had done. In responding to the felt guilt, David demonstrated that a life living in integrity does not ignore the feeling coming from guilt but allows guilt to fuel the path to correction. David experienced genuine guilt that fueled genuine repentance. A life of integrity does not mean perfection; instead, it is driven toward repentance when guilt manifests in the heart.


The people around David encouraged him to take advantage of the situation and kill Saul. However, those surrounding David saw an opportunity through the perspective of humanity and the ways of man instead of trusting in the plan, provision, and protection of the Lord. David demonstrated how a life of integrity exemplifies the ability to discern the advice of others and not to follow the advice that is wayward from the Lord. A life of integrity trusts the ways of the Lord over the ways of man and thus lives under the guidance and leading of the Lord.


David disagreed with the life of Saul, but David did respect the position Saul held because the Lord chose him for this time frame. David honored Saul and his position because of his relationship with the Lord. A life of integrity extends respect, even in moments of disagreement, because of the plan of the Lord. The Lord had anointed Saul to be the king of Israel, and David knew that he must not touch Saul because of the Lord’s anointing. A life of integrity honors the Lord because this individual respected the plan of the Lord.


David found peace in the Lord. Though his life seemed difficult, and he lived under the threat of death, he lived in the confidence of the Lord. He rested in the Lord because his life developed off the foundation of the Lord. He found peace and rested in the Lord because he trusted in the goodness and work of the Lord in his life. David experienced peace when others found worry because he allowed the Lord to be the source of peace. When the Lord provides peace, then one can live well in integrity.

Living with integrity is not an easy task. We must strive to live in a manner that honors the Lord and demonstrates a life controlled by the Lord. When we live in integrity, we must allow guilt to fuel repentance. We must seek to live in the truth of the Lord and discern the world's advice. We must respect those in power positions and rest in the Lord for peace. What areas of integrity do you need to develop more?


Whom Shall I Fear?


Take Refuge in the Lord