Take Refuge in the Lord

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 21; Psalm 11, 59

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 11

In 1 Samuel 21, David attempts to find refuge because Saul seeks to destroy David. During this time of seeking refuge, David penned Psalm 11. In this Psalm, David pens the desire to find refuge in the Lord alone because everyone else appears to be against him. In addition, David provides seven critical truths for taking refuge in the Lord. These truths remain true today and should encourage believers to face times of struggle, persecution, and heartache by seeking refuge in the Lord.

We must remain steadfast in the Lord and take refuge in him. David opens the Psalm with the statement of certainty in taking refuge in the Lord. This statement reveals a steadfastness that centers on holding onto the Lord through the best and worst times in life. David knew he received the anointing to become the next king while at the same time understanding that Saul desired to end his life. David demonstrated steadfastness by trusting in the promises of the Lord and finding refuge in him. Thus, today we must remain steadfast in our faith in the Lord and find refuge in him, trusting in his promises.

We must remember that no one escapes persecution. David served as an example to demonstrate that no one escapes the persecution and heartache of life. David attempted to flee from danger and remove himself from potential harm. Yet, as he fled, he continued to face opposition and persecution. David could not escape persecution, nor could he find genuine support away from the refuge offered by the Lord. Today, we must recognize that struggle and pain will occur but seek authentic support from the Lord.

We must realize the need for a proper foundation. David asked what can a righteous person do when the foundation becomes destroyed. This question centers on the foundations constructed by humanity that cannot withstand life’s storms. The simple answer to David’s question is nothing. All righteous people can do is guard against building false foundations and plant the self upon the foundation of the Lord. When the Lord is the foundation, then the foundation never fails. So today, we must seek to build our lives on the firm foundation of the Lord. When we plant our lives in him, then our foundation never fails.

We must rest in the providence of God. David bases his claims on his trust in the providence of God. The providence of God declares that the Lord works to provide for his people as needed. This means he gives refuge to the struggling and strength to the weak. The Lord provides for his people as he wages over them and examines them. When we trust in the providence of God, we approach life with the understanding that in the Lord alone, we can endure the highs and lows of life because the Lord provides what is needed to stand firm.

We must recall that the Lord remains active in our lives. David knew the Lord sat on the throne in heaven. At the same time, David understood that the Lord did not sit passively on his throne but actively participated in his children's lives. David had experienced this throughout his life as a shepherd and in the facing of Goliath. David knew that the activity of the Lord demonstrated that the Lord would not abandon or forsake his own. He continues his activity in the world today. The Lord does not sit back and fail to intervene. Instead, the Lord participates actively in the world today.

We must reach the understanding that the timing of God does not always align with our timing. The Lord heard David's cry and examined all people's hearts and ways. Yet, the Lord did not respond in the timing of David but in accordance with his will and ways. The Lord never appears too early or too late; he always appears right on time and in the proper manner. Today, believers must remember that the Lord’s timing is perfect. He intercedes at the precise moment that brings glory to him and carries out his will.

We must recognize that the Lord is righteous and requires righteousness. David declared that the Lord is righteous, so the Lord involves the pursuit of his righteousness. The righteous live with a pure heart and seek to serve the Lord with a proper motive. David knew that the follower of the Lord must strive to live righteousness because righteousness occurred as a characteristic of an obedient life. The Lord continues to desire a righteous life. He desires that believers seek to live in righteousness.

Where are you seeking refuge? Are you turning to places, people, and things of this world to find shelter? The Lord desires to provide refuge for his children. Take your hurt, pain, struggles, and every difficult dynamic and place it in the shelter of the Lord. Find rest and refuge in the Father.


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