Pain to Repentance

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 16-19

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 17 

Pain shouts to us. C.S. Lewis stated this way, “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” Pain speaks in a manner that points us to repentance and reconciliation. When considering pain and repentance, may we see how the prophet Isaiah calls people to accept this process.


Pain occurs in everyone’s life. Pain forces us to assess our life before the Lord. We must identify the source of our pain and our part in the pain. Pain may occur because of the actions of others or because of activities of the self. Most of the time, pain takes more than one individual. Sometimes, our pain is caused because of our waywardness before the Lord or the presence of fleshly desires, emotions, and traits. Yet, pain serves as the opportunity to analyze our lives in the presence of the Lord and for us to ask him to reveal to us the place of sin and disobedience that may be part of the cause of pain. Thus, we must assess and acknowledge our part of the issue to seek forgiveness and reconciliation.  


The disobedience that leads to pain comes from many sources. In Isaiah, the prophet identified four of the reasons pain may occur. First, we open the avenue for pain when we look to idols instead of the Lord. Idolatry occurs both intentionally and unintentionally. Often, we allow people, places, and activities to slip in and become too prioritized in our lives.

Second, we look at our success. We strive to be successful in life. Often, this pursuit leads us to blur the lines of right and wrong because we set human success as the definer in our lives. When we seek success over obedience, we enter into a state of disobedience because we allow the world to define us and not the Lord.  

Third, we face pain at times because of elevating the self. This occurs when we become plagued by pride and view ourselves as more important than genuine. Pride forms a god complex within us as we view ourselves better than others and often find our identity and purpose in success instead of the Lord. As a result, we attempt to play the role of god in our lives.

Fourth, the people faced pain because they forgot the Lord. Likewise, when we forget the Lord, we fall away from the Lord and face various forms of pain. When we forget the Lord, we attempt to live according to the ways of the flesh. We forget about his faithfulness in the past and, as a result, fail to see his presence and future promises. When this occurs, our perspective becomes self-centered, and we are easily led into pain.  


The presence of pain must direct us to the act of repentance. In repentance, we must remember the Lord. We must remember his work, presence, promises, and goodness. This remembering leads us to confess our pain and sinfulness. This confession includes the admitting of sin and the seeking of forgiveness. The act of confession is followed by the turning of one’s life away from idolatry, personal success, and pride. At the same time, it is a turning to the Lord. This response creates the heart ready for the Lord to work even in the pain.  

Pain is never an enjoyable adventure. Pain exists to refine and define us. In pain, we mature in the faith, learn to trust the Lord more, and repent from the sins in our lives. As you consider your life, what pain in the past has shaped who you are in Christ today? What pain is causing you to see sin and wickedness in your life that need repentance?


Who Do You Trust


Exiled: The Punishment of Sin