Exiled: The Punishment of Sin

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 17; Isaiah 13-15

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Kings 17

The people of Israel faced the punishment of their sins in the form of exile. Exile occurs when people are removed from their homeland and not allowed to return. In Israel’s case, they were exiled and scattered. The Lord used opposing nations to exile Israel because of their disobedience before the Lord. This occurrence speaks to us about evaluating the forms of sin that may slip into our lives and keep us from experiencing the fullness of God’s blessing for his children.


The people of Israel sinned against the Lord. The act of sin is the rejection of the ways of the Lord, missing the mark set by the Lord, and participating in the ways of the flesh. The Israelites lived separated from the Lord because of the separate nature of sin. Today, corruption continues to separate us from the Lord. 


The Israelites probably identified themselves as the people of God because of the presence of the Temple, but they rejected the Lord by adopting the customs and ways of the world. They allowed the influence of the culture to dictate right and wrong instead of allowing the Lord to define these. Walking in the customs of the world meant that the people looked like the world and believed in the world even if they verbally identified with the Lord. Today, people proclaiming to follow Christ often reject him by following the world's customs. They acknowledge with their lips, but their lives reflect the world.  


The people were characterized as being plagued by hidden sin. This statement indicates that the people visually looked the part of following the Lord but lived stained by sin unknown to others. This sin occurred behind closed doors, and the world would not have known about it. Yet, the Lord knew the sin, and the people remained disobedient whether the world knew of the sin or not. The same truth exists today.  


The people constructed fortified cities to protect them from the onslaught of enemies. They trusted in the protection they constructed with their hands and held onto their strength. This approach to safety revealed the failure to trust in the Lord for protection and victory. The Lord had worked victoriously for generations before, but now, the people forgot the past and lived according to their strength. Today, we can attempt to protect ourselves and reject trusting in the Lord to work in mighty and powerful ways to provide us victory, protection, and stability.  


The Bible informs us that the people establish idols to serve and worship. The establishment and following of idols demonstrate a desire to develop a god in their desires. They genuinely sought to create a god that met their standards and gave them false hope. Today, people attempt to define God in manners that meet our perspectives. When this occurs, we take the Lord and try to make him the way we want him to be instead of allowing him to form and guide us.

As a follower of Christ, we must continue to guard against the threat of sliding into sin. We must remain engaged in the Word of God the community of faith, and spend time praying to the Lord. We must recognize the threats and temptations around us and seek the Lord for the ability to live in faithfulness. We must see the moments of punishment as opportunities to repent and return to the Lord.


Pain to Repentance


Seeking Forgiveness