Seeking Forgiveness

Daily Old Testament Reading: Micah 7; 2 Chronicles 28; 2 Kings 16

Daily Focus Passage: Micah 7 

We live plagued by sin. Sin deserves punishment, and without a relationship with Christ, this punishment moves beyond the temporary and becomes eternal. As a follower of Christ, we do not face eternal punishment but continue to face temporary trials and struggles because we still battle against the presence and impact of sin. Thus, we must understand the vital steps to forgiveness. In Micah 7, the prophet provides four steps to seek forgiveness.  


When we seek forgiveness, we must begin by acknowledging the presence of sin in our lives. This acknowledgment occurs when we take ownership of our sins. Ownership means we refuse to justify our sins or blame others for our situation. Ownership begins the process of repentance because it fuels complete confession before the Lord. When we fail to take ownership, we may acknowledge the presence of sin but fail to take responsibility—taking responsibility for sin must exist for genuine forgiveness.  


The confession of sin from taking ownership of iniquity leads to requesting forgiveness. King David acknowledged in the Psalms that our sin is against the Lord ultimately. Thus, we must seek forgiveness from the Lord. When we approach the Lord and ask for forgiveness, we come before him, understanding that a genuine request will be heard. We cry out for forgiveness, knowing that the Lord alone can forgive and remove the iniquity and stain of sin.  


When we seek forgiveness, this does not mean that all consequences of our actions are removed. The people of Israel received forgiveness but still faced exile. The ability to deal with this truth flows from understanding the justice of God. We must come to the place of accepting the justice of God and know that the justice of God is perfect, holy, and right. Thus, we seek forgiveness of sin and understand that this does not mean all consequences of sinful actions are removed.  


We must seek forgiveness with anticipation of restoration. When we seek forgiveness from the Lord, we must trust that he will hear and respond. This response occurs as the Lord takes the filth of sin and makes us clean and new. We find hope in anticipating the ultimate return of Christ and the promises received when becoming a child of God.

Forgiveness is a difficult task. Forgiveness occurs when we accept the difficult reality of our sinfulness and wrongdoing. As we come to this reality, we must ask for forgiveness and anticipate the working of the Lord. What do you need to own and seek forgiveness from when you evaluate your life?


Exiled: The Punishment of Sin


Engaging the Community