Preparing for Worship

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 27-29

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 28-29

We spend time preparing for trips, parties, and activities. The preparation exists to create a situation to maximize fun and enjoyment. When we fail to prepare for such activities, we often find them laborious instead of enjoyable. Unfortunately, we often approach the act of worship without preparation. We show up and expect something to occur but often fail to prepare the heart to respond to the Lord and engage him authentically. In Exodus 28-29, the Lord instructed the priests, demonstrating the importance of preparing for worship.


The priest needed to exist to represent the people before the Lord and seek the Lord for forgiveness for the sins committed and present among the people. The priest served as the mediator between the Lord and the people for restoration when sin plagued the camp. When forgiveness is ignored, the people live in rebellion and separation from the Lord, and genuine worship will not occur.

Today, we must seek forgiveness for our known and unknown sins. Coming into the Lord's presence means we need to seek forgiveness from the separating stain of sin. Seeking forgiveness recognizes our great need and the holiness of the Lord. We seek forgiveness because of our unworthiness and the Lord’s complete worthiness. When you prepare to come before the Lord and worship, do you begin by seeking forgiveness and reconciliation?


The priest journeyed through the process of cleansing when coming before the Lord. This cleansing included forgiveness but also dealt with forming a clean heart before the Lord. A pure heart provides forgiveness and the reorientation of the intentions to mirror the desires and longings of the Lord. The priest sought cleansing to stand in the presence of the Lord.

Today, we must seek the Lord for clean hands and hearts. We need to desire the cleansing of our hearts and of our intentions. The act of cleaning is not an act one can perform alone but is an act that rests on one seeking the Lord and requesting the work of cleansing. How would you define your intentions? How do you allow the Lord to cleanse your heart?


The priests were to follow the instructions of the Lord. The act of obedience indicated a heart sold out to the Lord. Obedience demonstrated the priority of the Lord in the life of the priests and existed as an act of worship. When preparing for worship, the priest needed to remain obedient, or they would disqualify themselves. Obedience is a mark of worship because obedience is worship.

Today, we practice obedience when we follow the ways, will, and Word of the Lord. Obedience manifests the priorities of our hearts and allows us to worship the Lord in word and deed. Obedience occurs in preparing for worship because we seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and a clean heart. We seek to remain faithful to the Lord’s calling and give him honor and glory in our faithfulness.

When we fail to prepare for worship, we miss the blessing of praising and serving the Lord. We must prepare for worship by seeking forgiveness so that sin does not exist as a barrier. At the same time, preparation continues as we ask the Lord to cleanse us and form in us a pure heart. A commitment to obeying the Lord prepares us for worship as we commit to honoring the Lord in faithful living. How are you preparing for worship?


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