The Threat of an Overcrowded Schedule

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 23-25

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 23

In Exodus 23, the Lord instructed Moses on the importance of keeping the Sabbath. These instructions present a truth about the need to take a strategic moment to slow down to reflect, rejoice, rest, and rejuvenate. I am not sure about you, but I often struggle with the concept of the Sabbath because of the tyranny of an overcrowded schedule. It seems that there is always somewhere else to be, another meeting to attend, another activity to participate in, and so many other demands on our schedules. So why must we seek balance in a schedule that includes a Sabbath, and what is the threat of the tyranny of a packed schedule?


When I open my calendar on my phone, I am met with a series of dots indicating numerous events, activities, meetings, and obligations. Finding a break in the action appears hopeless as the expectation of others and the craziness of others dominate the calendar. I am not alone in this. I hear people constantly remark about the business of their schedules and the lack of time they have to carry out their desires and task. The constant nature of the tyranny of a packed schedule threatens our lives with others and the Lord because we were created to work and rest.


The tyranny of a packed schedule leaves us running on an empty tank. The constant demands of a crazy schedule cause us to use the fuel we have stored from the last time we rested. Often, we attempt to borrow from the next moment of Sabbath just to survive the tyranny of the urgent. However, when we allow the schedule to become overcrowded and the Sabbath to become delayed or neglected, we do not have the fuel to faithfully carry out living in a way that glorifies the Lord. What does the gauge of your tank read?


The demands of a packed schedule often cause us to become distracted and preoccupied with the stress of the moment or future demands. This preoccupation frustrates us because activities, events, and meetings often do not occur as we expect or desire. Since we attempt to live with empty tanks, our frustration grows, and the ability to patiently navigate the dynamics and discern what truly needs to occur disappears. Are you allowing the lack of Sabbath to cause a present frustration that seems to exist constantly?


A crowded calendar without a Sabbath causes fatigue in life. We become tired as we neglect the need to restore the needed energy through time of rest and reflection. We forget to rest in the Lord and not allow our lives to become rejuvenated. Thus, we continue to carry out the task on the calendar in a life that does not appear to have the energy to continue, and as a result, we become defeated, negative, and plagued by complaint. Have you neglected to Sabbath and, as a result, face life in a fatigued state? 


The answer to deal with the tyranny of a packed schedule is to practice and obey the command of Sabbath. We all need to understand the command to work and reflect Jesus as we work. At the same time, we must grasp the truth that we need rest and a time of reflection and rejuvenation. These occur when we strategically and intentionally Sabbath.


When we Sabbath, we can be still and reflect on the Lord and his work. The time of reflection allows us to evaluate our life in light of the Lord, His Word, His will, and His ways. The moment of reflection prepares the heart for growth and spiritual development. The time of Sabbath creates a dynamic of being still and knowing the Lord. How are you reflecting during your time of Sabbath?


Sabbath must be a time of rejoicing. As we become still and know the Lord, we rejoice in his holiness and goodness. The time of reflection allows us to see the Lord at work, and this knowledge guides us to the place of rejoicing and praising the Lord. When we Sabbath, we enter into a time of saying thank you and praising the Lord. How is your life of rejoicing? Are you participating in Sabbath to enhance your rejoicing?


Sabbath must be a time of rest. Rest occurs when we take a moment of escape from the rigors of the schedule and routine. Rest provides needed rejuvenation to the soul. It brings refreshing to the mind, the body, and the soul. Rest is meant to provide healing and a time of refueling the tank of life to prepare us to participate in the work and will of the Lord. When we neglect rest, we miss the blessing of the Sabbath and its ability to prepare us for what lies ahead. Are you strategically resting for rejuvenation and refreshing?

We must develop a balance in life that includes the act of Sabbath. We must strategically attempt to set aside time of being alone with the Lord, rest from work, and allow the rejuvenation from the Sabbath to occur. Take a moment to evaluate your schedule and find moments and ways to Sabbath.


Preparing for Worship


Remember the Sabbath