Remember the Sabbath

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 19-22

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 20

The Lord provided His people with the Ten Commandments. These laws guided living in a relationship with the Lord and others. The Ten Commandments guided us to understand and comprehend the other laws that we would follow and that the people were expected to follow. One of the commands centered on the Lord’s Day and the importance of honoring and observing it. The command concerning the Sabbath does not exist as a theory, but the command must be implemented into life.


The Lord called the people to remember the Sabbath because this day offered the opportunity for rest. God modeled the Sabbath in creation when he created for six days and then rested on the seventh. The moment of rest provides the body, mind, and soul the opportunity to recover and rejuvenate. At the same time, the Sabbath offers the chance for reflection and remembrance of the greatness of the Lord. How well do you observe the Sabbath? Do you strategically set aside time for the body, mind, and soul to recover? Do you use the time of Sabbath to reflect and remember the greatness of the Lord? 


The command included the call to keep the Sabbath holy. This calling demanded that the Sabbath remain set apart from the other days. The Sabbath exists as an opportunity to focus on the Lord's holiness and reflects on his holy works that impact our lives. When we maintain the holiness of the Sabbath, we intentionally protect our time with the Lord and our time of reflection and engagement with him. How are you at keeping the Sabbath holy? Do you strategically set it apart for the Lord or allow other activities to crowd that day? 


The Lord expected that the Sabbath would include everyone in the household. Therefore, the expectation came that every Jewish home would honor the commitment to the Sabbath. This means that the children, servants, wives, and husbands participated in the Sabbath. Thus, the Sabbath became a family event that did not exist as an option but as an act of obedience. How are you leading the entire household to honor the Sabbath? Do you treat the Sabbath as an option for life or an act of obedience? 


The Sabbath blesses the life of God’s children. The blessing comes as people reflect on the richness of God’s blessings and on experiencing the Lord's favor. This blessing encourages life and becomes a foundation for joy to exist. When you consider the command of the Sabbath, do you see it as a burden or a blessing? How does honoring the Sabbath bring a sense of joy to your life?


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