It Seems Right

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 12-14

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 14

We live in a culture that bases many convictions on feelings, emotions, human logic, and worldly influence. These factors form dynamics where people attempt to define "their truth" instead of living in genuine, absolute truth. The base concept occurs that if it seems right, it must be right. Solomon warned of this approach to life when he penned, "There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death." When we read this wisdom, we must ask ourselves how we seek the truth.


Solomon addresses the impact of relative truth by mentioning the root of relative truth. Relative truth comes from the root of what seems right in the eyes of humanity. Relative truth attempts to rewrite truth to fit the needs of the current dynamics or personal desires. Thus, we must understand what drives one to fall prey to this temptation to rest in their truth instead of authentic, genuine.

First, we must recognize the influence of feelings. People fall prey to accepting what seems right to humanity but is wrong according to the Lord because they believe it feels good or right. This occurs because we allow the flesh to dominate our perspectives and refuse to live in a state of surrender to the Lord. Thus, we believe truth must become based on feelings and emotions.

Second, we must notice the influence of culture. The culture around us attempts to change our mindset by finding avenues to tempt us to conform to the accepted values of the world. We use terms like political correctness and tolerance to force acceptance of worldviews that counter the truth. The viewpoint of humanity may hold that it is right, but this influence still counters the truth.


Solomon declared that following the world's influences and falling prey to living according to what "seems right" leads down the path of destruction, which is eternal death. This death is not ceasing to exist, but it is the enduring of the eternal wrath of God. This punishment comes because of the rejection of the truth, which is the rejection of the Lord.

 The punishment comes because the rejection of truth includes the rejection of Christ. Jesus identified himself as the "way, truth, and life" in the Gospel of John. We know that the truth of the Lord comes to us through the revealed Word of God. Thus, living according to what "seems right" is the rejection of the truth, which carries the punishment that comes from rejecting Christ.  


The ability to accept authentic and genuine truth begins with sacrifice. We must surrender our thoughts and reject to accept them as absolute truth. With the moment of surrender, you must also commit to seeking the Lord. We must seek the Lord to find the truth through engagement with the Word of God and with time spent praying with the Lord. As we engage the fact, we find where we are not living according to the truth of the Word of God.

Where are you seeking to find the truth? What influences do you allow to distort God's truth in your life? Considering the threats to genuine truth and the need to live in genuine truth, what commitments will you make to guard your life and pursue truth?


The Lord is My Strong Tower


The Heart of Wisdom