The Lord is My Strong Tower

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 15-18

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 18

Solomon called the Lord his strong tower. Solomon's use of this description provides the idea of safety and security. He encourages the believer to seek the Lord as the place of refuge and security as he knows that the Lord has claimed ultimate victory and that the believer can find assurance when resting within the walls of the strong tower. This image charges us to understand how to rest in the Lord.  


Solomon understood that the Lord represented the strong tower for the believer. A strong tower provides the image of strength and safety. The strong tower stood as the fortified city's stronghold, providing security against the enemy. It allowed the occupants to rest confidently because the strong tower stood as a barrier between them and the enemy coming against them. As the strong tower, the Lord serves as the fortified city that protects believers from the enemy and represents the strength of the Lord. We must see the Lord as the needed strong tower.  


Solomon declared the importance of the believer to run to the strong tower. The statement of running to the tower means the believer flees from the coming enemy and sprints to the place of safety. When the believer runs to the Lord as the strong tower, they run with an eye on the promise of the finish line at the tower's entrance. They run with the deep desire to find safety nowhere but in the strong tower. The sprint to the tower recognizes the weakness of the believer and the need for the strength of the Lord as we face the various battles of life. We must sprint to the Lord as our strong tower.  


Solomon understood the tower's strength was all-powerful, unending, and sure. He trusted in the security of the tower because nothing could overcome the strength of the Lord. No enemy can overcome the power and ability of the Lord because the Lord is the Almighty One. He knew that the strength of the Lord never failed or grew tired because it is eternal. The strength provided to the believer from the strong tower is unending and unfailing. The believer finds rest and peace in the tower because the tower is unconquerable. We must learn to rest in the security of the Lord as our strong tower.

Solomon declares that the Lord is our strong tower. As you consider your life, are you running to the Lord as your place of security and strength? Are you trusting in the Lord as your strong tower?


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